From the heart of the The Ozarks, the following letter to the editor is by aka "Buck Angler." Buck is a mainstream, voting, middle class, God-fearing citizen concerned about America. This letter is from his reflections titled: Wrong Way Down On a One-Way-Street. Buck will be sharing in the ARRA News Service more of his reflections via a series of open letters.
By Buck Angler: My continued personal observations!
WRONG WAY: Looking presidential? Now, who is the greatest charmer?
Likeability is a personality trait that doesn’t necessarily guarantee leadership potential. Actually, likability is one of a con-artist’s greatest tools which he uses to lures his prey; it is an ingredient for manipulating and controlling unsuspecting victims.
My wife and I were victimized by a con-artist during the mid-1970’s — cost us a home, my job, rejection by many in our community, and eventually displacement. The trauma was intense. The ability to make lies sound like the truth, cunning strategy, and a convincing manner with the personality to pull it off was the formula. Our openness with the public probably helped to set the stage for his demise two years later.
If only we had done a little more homework and paid attention to "red flags," we may never have signed on the dotted line. Just like when you cast your ,you can’t retract it.
Of course when the outcomes are not going Obama's way, it is still for him to blame others: George Bush’s fault, big business’ fault, wealthy people’s fault, Wall Street’s fault, or Congress’ fault. Obama is never at fault; he seems to always have scapegoats. Is he--in-a-sense, a con-artist??? Or, could it be that he is only just plain narcissistic? RESEARCH, RELATE and THINK!
WRONG WAY: “Social experimentation”…or who is appeasing their constituents?
Social issues: Pres. Obama made the claim that he was not a gay marriage advocate; but, following that declaration, he verbally expressed that he would not enforce the Marriage Protection Amendment (which was passed during the Clinton reign). Add to that, part of his personal and DNC platform this upcoming election cycle is promoting recognition of gay unions (marriage). This one really gets me: this year President Obama has implemented an openly gay military. From my point of view it doesn’t take a 130+ IQ to figure out the potential social, moral, and emotionally disruptive implications of this experiment. What do you think about this kind of social experimentation with our military? At least with the “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy of the Clinton era, the military solder, sailor, marine, airman was not focused on who is watching them in the shower or when changing clothes in the barracks. Personally, I would be extremely intimidated! Also, what right does Obama have to NOT enforce the Constitution or its amendments? RESEARCH, RELATE and THINK
The above is second part of a series of Open Letters presenting Buck Angler's reflections titled Wrong Way Down A One-Way-Street. Former article: Part 1
Tags: Letter to the editor, Buck Angler, Wrong Way, Barack Obama, Election 2012 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Wrong Way Down On a One-Way-Street - Looking Presidential?
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