Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity:For the past eight weeks, three Americans for Prosperity buses have been on the road crisscrossing the nation on Obama's Failing Agenda Bus Tour. The mission of this 400+ city tour is to educate the American people on President Obama's failing economic policies, get citizens to sign our petition to the President, and send a message to Washington that it’s time to turn away from policies that have led to more debt, less opportunity, and fewer jobs.
All across the country, AFP has met thousands of amazing activists and seen firsthand how Obama’s big-government policies are impacting their communities. We’re proud to give you a first look at some of the highlights from the road so far. View our highlights Real.
It has been an amazing experience meeting many of our activists and hearing personal stories of how President Obama's economic agenda is hurting local communities and businesses. We’re finding that all across the country, American families still have to cut back on expenses and worry about employment. It’s troubling that so many are being directly impacted by these disastrous economic policies, which is why we’re more committed than ever to pushing for an end to Obama’s Failing Agenda.
It’s important that we all keep working hard to support economic freedom, and we need your help! AFP volunteers use our powerful Freedom Phones technology to make calls to their friends and neighbors, and go door-to-door sharing information and educating fellow citizens through our Prosperity Knocks program. If you’d like to make a difference and help preserve liberty, just click here to get involved! Tags:Obama's Failing Agenda, Tour, Americans For ProsperityTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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