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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Info Post
From the heart of the The Ozarks, the following letter to the editor is by aka "Buck Angler." Buck is a mainstream, voting, middle class, God-fearing citizen concerned about America. This letter is from his reflections titled: Wrong Way Down On a One-Way-Street. Buck  will be sharing in the ARRA News Service more of his reflections via a series of open letters.

By Buck Angler: My continued personal observations!

WRONG WAY: “Clean up your own mess!”
The Gulf Oil Spill: Haven’t heard many other folk’s opinions regarding Obama’s response to the Gulf oil spill crises, but here is mine. Imagine yourself with guests at your dinner table. A guest accidentally spills his drink on the table. You are the host and you tell your guest, “You spilled it…. it’s your problem. You clean it up”! In the interim the spill continues to spread to other guests’ areas and liquid is still dripping on the floor. You could have responded instantly, “Here take my napkin and I’ll get some towels and we’ll get it cleaned up”! Maybe it was a careless accident, but you should still be the first responder.

Back to the oil spill. There was a crisis at a BP oil rig. Explosion, oil leak, panic -- oil is beginning to spread throughout the Gulf region -- several gulf-states threatened! Obama’s response: investigation. Blame BP: it’s your problem, you clean it up”! Several countries, US business, and individuals immediately offered help, and/or solutions. Obama’s reaction: first we have to get clearance through the EPA (more delays while the crisis expands).

Did you happen to see the Mike Huckabee Show on FOX NEWS a few days after the spill started to spread? All kinds of ingenious potential solutions were offered and demonstrated by individuals and companies. It was impressive. I don’t know if any of them were used to help soak up the spill. If so, there was quite a waiting period before they were. AGAIN, Obama to BP: “It’s your problem; you clean it up!” In the meantime what was happening to our coastal states?

I think that 90% of adult Americans know. Was Obama caring, responsive, and compassionate? Personally, I think that he hates oil companies more than he loves this country and our citizens. RESEARCH, RELATE and THINK!

WRONG WAY: Obama must sure be glad voters have short memories!
It scarcely amazes me that President Obama is so busy this year playing buddy-buddy to gay organizations, select military personnel, and the Hispanic community. Obama is using a waiver to allow a new 2-year work clearance applications to select Illegal Aliens - Hispanics (with applications that cost about $500). He is using the killing of Osama Bin-Laden (against the will of our Special Forces) to gain political leverage. Also, it seems to me that he has recently been extremely robust in building an entitlement mentality with many of the unemployed and by altering or eliminating job requirements and job development for welfare recipients.

A somewhat relevant side-note: We have at least 30% of the Black workforce under-employed or unemployed; yet, supposedly some polls indicated that less than 5% of African Americans support the Republican presidential candidate at this time. Is it all about “Black Pride”, or are the entitlements also a big part of the equation? Maybe it rigged polls bein used to misrepresent facts for political leverage.

What is Obama’s true commitment to our military service men?
It was very interesting to me that another Mike Huckabee Show, last spring, revealed a disabled veteran who was denied -- after numerous appeals, his disability benefits. The vet’s father was pleading his son’s case with Gov. Huckabee. Amazingly, the young man got special attention from the Obama Administration after his case was publicized on the show.

I have discussed veteran benefits with several vets and their family members, plus, active military personnel – including a commanding officer, a chaplain, and a JAG. They claim the current political climate is making it extremely difficult to get deserved benefits for those nearing retirement or those that have been discharged because of disabilities. Many of our young military men and women are not getting the care and financial assistance they should be receiving> Many other are being cut short on their careers and their retirements. I doubt that they can all appear on the Mike Huckabee Show to get national attention and thus their deserved benefits! RESEARCH, RELATE and THINK
The above is the fourth part of a series of Open Letters presenting Buck Angler's reflections titled Wrong Way Down A One-Way-Street. Former articles: Part 1; Part 2.

Tags: Letter to the editor, Buck Angler, Wrong Way, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Gulf Oil Spill, benefits for illegals, veteran, military To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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