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Bob McDowell |
At that time the only places that were air conditioned were the banks, theaters, and a very few office buildings. Even the country club in Tulsa built in the middle of that decade only had air conditioning in the "Mens Grill" and evening dinners were served on the terrace outside. Many families, including mine, set up cots in the back yard and slept out there, which meant an early rise in the morning.
In addition, it has been reported that many of the 'official' temperature recording units are improperly placed, thus giving excessively high temperature records. A large number of these mislocated units reported have been in California (surprise, surprise) where some of the strongest proponents of "global warming" are located. The rules for locating these recorders state that they cannot be near sources of heat, such as burners, engine exhausts, pavement, incinerators, or air conditioning compressors. Reports to me have placed them next to incinerators, near run-up pads to receive the jet exhausts, and surrounded by concrete or asphalt.
Thus it would appear that the Oklahoma summer has not been record hot, but such appears to be the case further North. My son reports that the Denver area has had more days of 100 degree temperature than he can remember, his whole life. In 34 years as a 'displaced Okie' my memory only recalls three such days and less than that where the low was 70 or above. In addition, the states along the Canadian border have experienced a much hotter than average Summer and, along with that, more severe weather, probably due to their higher humidity levels.
In any event, most of us are happy to see the end of the tunnel and approaching cooler days and nights. In fact, the winter might just be colder than average, but do not count on that.
It continually irritates me that the Communist/Socialist sympathizing politicians and their 'lamestream' media followers continue to blame the higher temperatures on "man made global warming". They blast Senator Jim Inhofe for his rejection of that premise and falsely state that he is rejecting that the climate is warmer. In my opinion, he is correct in rejecting the premise put forth, originally by VP Al Gore, that it is the activities of man that is the cause of the increased average temperatures and that they will continue to rise until we all burn up and the sea levels will flood the coastal areas. These are claims made to cause us to have a lower standard of living and a smaller population.
Back to the 'end of Summer'. Most people tend to take the 'end' to the holiday now observed as "Labor Day", the first Monday in September, which in 2012 falls on the third. It is problematic that the same 'most people' have no knowledge of where this holiday began. It began, before my birth, shortly after the inception of the Labor Union movement, and was at first called by the founder, Samuel Gompers, as a day off to recognize their Unions. By the time of my first memory it was recognized as a declared national holiday which also marked the start of school the next day. While there is little doubt that unions were established to correct some very real evils in the industrial age, they have been largely taken over by brutal and thuggish leaders who really care more about their own power and wealth than the rank and file membership. And, quite frankly, they should not be allowed in government employment.
Tags: Bob McDowell, Oklahoma, letter to editor, End of Summer, globl warming To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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