Breaking News
Monday, August 27, 2012

Info Post
 "We Built It" to be the Day's Theme of Convention
Tampa, Fla. - Promising that Tuesday's convention theme "will honor the fact that it is the drive, determination and sacrifice of America's job creators and millions of hard-working American men and women who made the United States the exceptional nation it is," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus today announced that Tuesday's theme for the 2012 Republican National Convention will be "We Built It."

At a campaign rally in Roanoke, Virginia, last month, President Obama declared, "if you've got a business, you didn't build that."  Priebus said that Tuesday's convention proceedings "will remind America that we are a nation made great not by Washington but by the men and women who summoned the inner drive, discipline and persistent effort to achieve their dreams within the free enterprise system."

Convention CEO William Harris said, "Tuesday's program will highlight America's entrepreneurial strength and our people's incomparable work ethic."

Updated schedule for August 28th due to sever weather conditions and  postponement of Monday's -- August 27th schedule.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Begins at 2:00 PM EDT
Speakers subject to change
Convention Called to Order Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee

Presentation of the Colors Color Corps of the Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CT

Pledge of Allegiance The Hon. Tim Babcock (MT), Former Governor & WWII Veteran & Tom Hogan, Korean War Veteran, U.S. Marines

The National Anthem Philip Alongi

Invocation Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, New York, NY

Welcome/Certificate Statement,   Reince Priebus

Call for the Convention,  The Hon. Kim Reynolds (IA), Secretary of the Convention, Lt. Governor

Announcement of Temporary Rules, Reince Priebus

Election of Temporary Officers, Chairman, Republican National
Appointment of Committees, Remarks Committee


Remarks, Sharon Day, Co-Chair, Republican National Committee

Remarks, The Hon. Bob Buckhorn (FL), Mayor of Tampa

Remarks, Bill Harris. Chief Executive Officer, 2012 RNC

Remarks, Al Austin, Chairman, Tampa Host Committee

Resolution of Appreciation and Tribute to Deceased Party Leaders, Sharon Day, Co Chair

National Republican Congressional  Committee Report  and Candidate Presentations, The Hon. Pete Sessions (TX), Chairman, National  Republican Congressional Committee and U.S. Representative

Remarks, Rae Lynne Chornenky, President, National Federation of
Republican Women

Remarks Alex Schriver, Chairman, College Republican National Committee

Remarks, The Hon. Mick Cornett (OK), President, Republican Mayors and
Local Officials, and Mayor of Oklahoma City

Remarks, Chris Fussner, Global Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Remarks, Lisa Stickan, Chairman, Young Republicans

Report on Committee of Credentials, Mike Duncan,  Chairman, Committee on Credentials

Report of the Committee on Permanent Organization, Zori Fonalledas, Chairman, Committee on Permanent Organization

Remarks,  Speaker John Boehner (OH), Permanent Chairman

Report of the Committee on Rules,  The Hon. John Sununu (NH), Chairman, Committee on Rules and former Governor

Report of the Committee on Resolutions,  The Hon. Bob McDonnell (VA)
Chairman, Committee on Resolutions and Governor, and

The Hon. John Hoeven (ND), Co-Chair, Committee on Resolutions and U.S. Senator

Remarks,  The Hon. Marsha Blackburn (TN), Co-Chair, Committee on Resolutions
and U.S. Representative

Resolutions: RNC Membership  
& Publication of Proceedings, Speaker John Boehner (OH),  Permanent Chairman

Official Convention Photograph

Nomination Process for Presidential
Candidate, Speaker John Boehner (OH)

Nominating Speeches:  The Hon. John Sununu (NH), Former Governor; The Hon. Barbara Comstock (VA), Deputy Permanent Co-Chair of the Convention and Member of the House of Delegates and Ron Kaufman, Advisor, Romney Ryan Campaign

Roll Call of the States,  Speaker John Boehner (OH),  The Hon. Kim Reynolds (IA), Kelly Knight, Assistant Secretary of the Convention

Statement of Rule Regarding
Requirement for Nomination of  Vice-Presidential Candidate, Senate Republican Leader Mitch  McConnell (KY),  Temporary Chairman

Vice-Presidential Nominating Speech, Steve King, National Committeeman (WI)

Entertainment: Neal Boyd (God Bless America)

Call to Order & Remarks, Speaker John Boehner (OH)

Remarks Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee

Video & Remarks:  The Hon. Mia Love (UT), Mayor of Saratoga Springs

Remarks,  Janine Turner, Actress & Radio Personality 

Video: Promise of America

Entertainment:  Lane Turner (I Built It)

Remarks, Sher Valenzuela

Remarks, The Hon. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), U.S. Representative

Remarks, The Hon. Kelly Ayotte (NH), U.S. Senator

Remarks,  Jack Gilchrist

Entertainment: The Oak Ridge Boys

Remarks. The Hon. John Kasich (OH) Governor

Video: We Built It

Remarks, The Hon. Mary Fallin (OK) Governor

Video: These Hands

Remarks, The Hon. Bob McDonnell (VA) Governor

Remarks, Bev Gray

Remarks, The Hon. Scott Walker (WI) Governor

Video: These Hands

Entertainment: Jack Blades (Back in the Game)

Remarks, The Hon. Brian Sandoval (NV) Governor

Remarks, Phil Archuletta

Video: Bump In The Road

Remarks, The Hon. Rick Santorum (PA), Former U.S. Senator

Video: Welfare Reform

Remarks, Ted Cruz (TX), Candidate for U.S. Senate

Remarks, The Hon. Artur Davis (AL), Former U.S. Representative

Video: Switchers

Remarks, The Hon. Nikki Haley (SC) Governor

Remarks, Mrs. Lucé Fortuño, First Lady of Puerto Rico

Remarks, Mrs. Ann Romney

Entertainment: Three Doors Down (World Premiere - One Light)

Video & Remarks:The Hon. Chris Christie (NJ) Governor

Benediction, Rev. Sammy Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Adjournment until 7:00 pm (EDT) Wednesday, August 29

Tags: RNC 2012, Republican, National Convention, Tampa, election 2012, schedule, Aug 28, 2012 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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