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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Info Post
 Tampa, FL - On the 3rd day of the Republican National Convention returned to its normal schedule with speakers addressing today's theme: "We Believe in America" and hearing from Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. However, as previously done, I will present the list Non Prime Time Speakers below. Again, it would be both difficult and borish to share all of them individually. thus, I have separated a large portion of today's speeches / remarks, into a summary of RNC 2012 Non Prime Time Speakers. Below are names of individuals, yes a few might even be omitted, with attributed comments that I found interesting. If no comments are listed, it is not that they didn't speak, or their comments weren't good, but their comments were in summary: This is who I am; Obama & Democrats are bad (we already know that) and we or Mitt Romney are going to fix this (which a majority of readers may already agree). This aforementioned comment is not meant to be snarky but to reduce my typing and boring you with needess speech summaries. The Prime Time Speakers' speeches will be published.

Non Prime Time Speakers:
Business leader Tom Stemberg . . .
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush "We must stop excusing failure in our schools and start rewarding improvement and success. We must have high academic standards that are benchmarked to the best in the world. All kids can learn. Governor Romney believes it, and the data proves it. While he was governor, Massachusetts raised standards and today their students lead the nation in academic performance.""So in this election, remember this: Our future as a nation is at stake. Fact is, this election is not about just one office. It is about one nation. If we want to continue to be the greatest nation on the planet, we must give our kids what we promise them: An equal opportunity. That starts in the starts in our communities... it starts where you live."

Former Massachusetts Lieutenant Gov. Kerry Healey  "Massachusetts was in deep trouble. We had a massive budget gap and soaring unemployment. People in my state were losing hope -- for themselves, their families, and their children. Sadly, very much like our country finds itself today."  "Mitt Romney answered the call of service, and accepted the challenge. How did he fix our state? Well, he quickly assembled a cabinet of the best and the brightest, drawing on both parties, Republicans and Democrats, half women, half men, to give him the full spectrum of ideas and advice. He respected different opinions, valued open debate, and when it was all said and done, Mitt Romney knew how to make a decision. Governor Romney did what many thought was impossible. He turned around a three billion dollar budget gap, and created a two billion dollar rainy day fund."  "First and foremost, Mitt is a good and honorable man, committed to public service and his country. On the morning he took the oath of office, his first act was to focus public attention on those in need.  We served breakfast to homeless veterans. Encouraging volunteerism, and acknowledging the special debt we owe to those who sacrifice for our country."

Hon. Connie Mack, U.S. Representative, Florida 14th District We've always been a people with big dreams and limitless potential. After all, this is America.  Our success is built on our values and our principles, but so many of them are under attack. Our commitment to freedom and liberty, and to everything that makes our country great, seems to embarrass the blame-America-first crowd. They penalize individual achievement while praising the power of government. But they have not, cannot and will not destroy our spirit. We are proud to be Americans. We are proud of our nation, of our heritage and of our success."
Hon. Newt and Callista Gingrich . . .
Sean Duffy and Frantz Placide . . .
Hon. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, U.S. Representative, Washington 5th District . . .
Wesley Jessen Employee . . .
Ted and Pat Oparowski . . .
Pam Finlayson . . .
Bob White, Chairman, Romney-Ryan Campaign . . .
Tom Stemberg, Founder of Staples" ...
Grant Bennett . . .
Kim Rhode, Mike Eruzione and Derek Parra - Olympic Gold Medalists

Tags: RNC 2012, Day 3, Non Prime Time, Speakers, Tampa, Florida To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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