Breaking News
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Info Post
Clock Underscores Need for New Fiscal Leadership
TAMPA, Fla. -- Tomorrow during the brief opening and closing of the RNC 2012 convention, brought on by Tropical Storm Isaac in Florida,  Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus will unveil a national debt clock mounted inside the convention hall of the Tampa Bay Times Forum.  The debt clock is a compelling visual reinforcing the desperate need for new fiscal leadership in the White House. 

The debt clock will be activated Monday at 2 p.m. when the convention convenes.
The national debt is at a record-high $15.9 trillion and has increased by $5 trillion during the Obama Administration. The last 3.8 years of the Obama Administration has  brought on the sharper increase in debt than under any U.S. president.

"This clock reminds every delegate and every American why we are here in Tampa – because America can and must do better," said Priebus. "Every American's share of the national debt has increased by approximately $16,000 during the current administration.
"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are the right leaders at the right time for America. They will turn this fiscal mess around, get people back to work and set our country on a strong foundation for generations to come," Priebus added.

Upon his swearing in as Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney inherited a roughly $3 billion budget gap. He led an effort to balance the budget and left the commonwealth with a rainy day fund of more than $2 billion upon leaving office.

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