Tampa - On the 2nd day of the Republican National Convention returned to its normal schedule with speakers addressing today's theme: "We Can Change It" and hearing from V.P. nominee Paul Ryan. However, as previously done, I will present the list Non Prime Time Speakers below. Again, it would be both difficult and borish to share all of them individually. thus, I have separated a large portion of today's speeches / remarks, into a summary of RNC 2012 Non Prime Time Speakers. Below are names of individuals, yes a few might even be omitted, with attributed comments that I found interesting. If no comments are listed, it is not that they didn't speak, or their comments weren't good, but their comments were in summary: This is who I am; Obama & Democrats are bad (we already know that) and we or Mitt Romney are going to fix this (which a majority of readers may already agree). This aforementioned comment is not meant to be snarky but to reduce my typing and boring you with needess speech summaries. The Prime Time Speakers' speeches will be published.
Non Prime Time Speakers:
Hon. Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Republican Leader, Kentucky "America is suffering through an economic calamity of truly historic dimensions. Some are calling it the slowest recovery in our nation's entire 236-year history. To call this a recovery is an insult to recoveries. This is not the result of forces beyond our control. It is not the result of some sinister political plot; as some of the more paranoid inhabitants of the left-wing fever swamps would have you believe. It is the result of the policies that Barack Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress spent two full years carefully putting into place, and which they are determined to continue, if they win again."
Jeanine McDonnell, Iraq War Veteran "And that's why we need leaders who don't play chicken with our nation's defense. We need leaders who will invest in defense-not abandon it."
Chris Devlin-Young, Para-Olympian . . .
John McCain, U.S. Senator, Arizona & former candidate for president "We can choose to follow a declining path, toward a future that is dimmer and more dangerous than our past. Or we can choose to reform our failing government, revitalize our ailing economy, and renew the foundations of our power and leadership in the world. That is what's at stake in this election."
Hon. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, U.S. Representative, Washington 5th District "We have heard of the challenges America is facing - now let's talk about the solutions. Those of you here in the Convention - and those of you watching at home, know what needs to be done. We need to create more jobs and get our economy moving again. We need to make college affordable and within the reach of every child. I was the first in my family to graduate from college, so I know how important that is to the American Dream. We need a government that works for us, not against us, and lives within its means (just like you and I do). We also need a President who shares these ideas and values. ... Friends, we KNOW we can do better - we CAN change it."
Hon. Pam Bondi, Attorney General, Florida . . .
Hon. Sam Olens, Attorney General, Georgia . . .
Rob Portman, U.S. Senator, Ohio "We need to knock down these trade barriers abroad, but we also need to knock down the self-imposed barriers to success right here at home. We need to reform our outdated and complicated tax code. We need to fix our burdensome regulatory system and we need an energy policy that encourages development of our resources right here, in the ground, in America. America has a choice between Mitt Romney who seeks to grow the economy, and Barack Obama who seeks to redistribute it. Which one do you think will liberate America's entrepreneurial spirit?"
John Thune, U.S. Senator, South Dakota "On Day One of Mitt Romney's presidency, the transformation of Washington will begin. Gone will be the arrogance of a President whose first instinct is to condemn achievement. Gone will be the attitude that government knows best and solves all. What you will see and hear is a President who will do everything in his power to make sure government is a catalyst for growth, not an obstacle to success. And, a President with a plan to strengthen the middle class."
Governor Luis Fortuno, Puerto Rico "Our families cannot grow their budgets if politicians keep growing Washington's budget. Get government out of our way, and let freedom and the spirit of the American people shine through. We can out-think, out-dream, out-work, and out-produce anybody in the world. I know it, you know it, and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan know it. They have a plan and a vision that places our faith in you, the American people, not in Washington."
Hon. Rand Paul, U.S. Senator, Kentucky "When the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, the first words out of my mouth were: I still think it is unconstitutional!. . . I think if James Madison himself -- the father of the Constitution -- were here today he would agree with me: The whole damn thing is still unconstitutional! This debate is not new and it's not over. Hamilton and Madison fought from the beginning about how government would be limited by the enumerated powers. Madison was unequivocal. The powers of the federal government are few and defined. The power to tax and spend is restricted by the enumerated powers. So, how do we fix this travesty of justice? There's only one option left. We have to have a new president!" "As Reagan said, our freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. If our freedom is taken, the American Dream will wither and die. To lead, we must transform the coldness of austerity into the warm, vibrant embrace of prosperity. To overcome the current crisis, we must appreciate and applaud American success. We must step forward, unabashedly and proclaim: You did build that. You earned that. You worked hard. You studied. You labored. You did build that. And you deserve America's undying gratitude. For you, the individual, are the engine of America's greatness."
Steve Cohen, President, Screen Machine Industries, Inc., Etna, Ohio . . .
Tad True, Vice President of Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipelines, Casper, Wyoming . . .
Hon. Tim Pawlenty, Former Governor, Minnesota . . .
Hon. Mike Huckabee, Former Governor, Arkansas "My working-poor parents told me I could do better. They taught me that I was as good as anyone else. It never occurred to them to tell me that I could rest comfortably and wait for Uncle Sugar to feed me, lead me, and then bleed me." "My concern is not Barack Obama's past; my concern is for the future - not his future, but the future of my grandchildren." "President Obama is out of gas; Americans are out of patience, and our great Republic is almost out of time. It's time we no longer lead from behind, but get off our behinds and leave something lasting for those who come after us instead of a mountain of debt and a pile of excuses. Tonight, it's not because we're Republicans; it's because we're Americans that we proudly stand with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to say we will do better!"
Hon. Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico "Success is the American Dream. And that success is not something to be ashamed of, or to demonize. There is one candidate in this election who will protect that dream, one leader who will fight hard to keep the promise of America for the next generation. And that's why we must stand up and make Mitt Romney the next president of the United States."
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