Wednesday's Convention Theme: "We Can Change It"
Tampa, Fla. - Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus today announced the theme and speakers for Wednesday, August 29, the third night of next week's 2012 Republican National Convention. The theme, said Priebus, will be "We Can Change It."
"We want to remind Americans that we don't have to settle for four more years of high unemployment, low pay and deep debt," Priebus said. "We will devote Wednesday night to showing the country that Mitt Romney's 'Plan for a Stronger Middle Class' will restore our country as the best place in the world to find a job, start a business or hire a worker."
Priebus said the Wednesday night program "will show that the Romney approach is both optimistic and achievable." The Romney plan will work toward energy independence, ensure that middle-class Americans have the skills to succeed, pursue trade that works for America, cut the deficit and champion small business.
"Having suffered through the longest sustained period of high unemployment since the Great Depression, Americans already know we can do better," said Republican Convention CEO William Harris. "Next Wednesday, Republicans will lay out Mitt Romney's plan to do just that."
Updated schedule for August 29th due to sever weather conditions and postponement of Monday meeting.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012/ 7:00 PM EDT
- Convention Called to Order: Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee
- Presentation of the Colors: Amputee Veterans of America Support Team
- Pledge of Allegiance: Patrick Rea, Brigadier General (Ret.), U.S. Army
- The National Anthem; Ayla Brown, Former NCAA basketball player
- Invocation; Ishwar Singh
- Video: The Hon. Ron Paul (TX) U.S. Representative
- Remarks, Senate Republican Leader Mitch, McConnell (KY), U.S Senator
- Video: Best of America
- Remarks, The Hon. Rand Paul (KY), U.S. Senator
- Remarks, The Hon. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), U.S. Representative
- Entertainment: Beau Davidson (Blessed)
- Remarks, Jeanine McDonnell, Iraq War Veteran
- Remarks, Chris Devon Young, Para-Olympian
- Remarks: The Hon. John McCain (AZ), U.S. Senator
- Remote: American Legion & Gov. MittRomney
- Remarks,The Hon. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Remarks, The Hon. Pam Bondi (FL), Attorney General
- Remarks:The Hon. Sam Olens (GA), Attorney General
- Remarks, The Hon. John Thune (SD), U.S. Senator
- Interview: Yash Wadhwa
- Remarks, Tad True
- Interview; Michelle Voorheis
- Entertainment;Danny Gokey (My Best Days Are Ahead of Me)
- Remarks, The Hon. Rob Portman (OH), U.S. Senator
- Remarks, Steve Cohen
- Remote and Introduction: Puerto Rico Watch Party
- Remarks, The Hon. Luis Fortuño (PR), Governor
- Entertainment: The Katinas (So Good)
- Remarks, The Hon. Tim Pawlenty (MN), Former Governor
- Video: President George W. Bush
- Remarks, The Hon. Mike Huckabee (AR), Former Governor
- Remarks ,The Hon. Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State
- Remarks, The Hon. Susana Martinez (NM), Governor
- Video: Ryan Family
- Remarks, The Hon. Paul Ryan (WI), U.S. Representative
- Benediction: His Eminence Methodios Archbishop, Greek Orthodox
Archidiocese of America, Metropolitan of Boston
Adjournment until 7:00 pm (EDT) Thursday, August 30
Tags: RNC 2012, Republican, National Convention, Tampa, election 2012, schedule, Aug 29, 2012 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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