AF "Tony" Branco:
Editorial Comment: Pro death - abortion for babies or euthanasia for the elderly and the in-firmed - Barack Obama was gleefully glad that he could refocus the attention away from him to Rep. Akin in Missouri. As identified by Tony Branco, the handwriting is on the wall regarding Obama's major failures and yet the biased press tosses Obama a partisan softball question.
Sadly in politics, kissing babies and supporting the killing of babies garners democrats favorable attention. However speaking for life is mocked, ridiculed and personally damaging.
Even conservatives and supportive pro-life advocates like Sarah Palin demonstrated a willingness to abandoned their pro-life positions if need be to be able to defeat a democrat that will support the Reid / Obama agenda in Washington, D.C. The message by conservatives to their "social conservatives colleagues appears to be "shut up!" God Help Us! Oh, I forgot, we can't say that either!
Tags: Barack Obama, diversion, abortion, conservatives, social conservatives, shut-up, political cartoon, AF Branco, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Obama Loves The Akin Distraction - Must Social Conservatives "Shut Up"?
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