Bill Halter website identifies him as a family man and member of the Catholic church. Why then do we see "gray cloud" surrounding ...
Vic Snyder Votes Against Public Expression of Religion Act
Vic Snyder, Arkansas 2nd District Congressman was the lone extremely liberal member of the Arkansas Congressional delegation who voted for...
Critical Election Year - Dems Say Higher Taxes
Everything is on the line in this critical election year! Both in Arkansas and in the US Congress! Just ask Charles Rangel, the man who wou...
Gunner Delay Will Protect Children
The Saline County sheriff?s office arrested more than 20 men on charges of stalking children over the Internet in the past three months, inc...
Clinton was too often AWOL
When Bill Clinton cited Richard Clarke's book in his defense, he forgot that people might actually have read it. And when he rewrites hi...
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
In a Bill Halter news release, Halter acts like a child shouting "liar, liar, pants on fire." Has the stress of campaigning caused...
Margin Continues to Narrow in Governors Race
Asa Hutchinson message is reaching Arkansas voters. Asa continues to narrow the margin with Mike Beebe. The previously close margin of 3.3% ...
Majority View on National Anthem & Immigration
We are sorry but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish -- enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Po...
Jim Holt vindicated by results of survey
Dan Noble said in a Holt Campaign press release today that "Senator Holt has been eviscerated for his stand on illegal immigration and ...
Wal-Mart Sponsors Diversity Week Oct 9-13
Wal-Mart Sponsors Diversity Week - Includes How To Defeat A Constitutional Ban On Homosexual Marriage. Wal-Mart has given its full endorseme...
RPA Launches Republican Caucus Website
The Arkansas Republican Party has launched the Arkansas Republican Caucus Website. The Arkansas Republican Caucus is comprised of the Rep...
Democrats Stuck on 'New Direction' in Iraq?
According to Democrats, the war in Iraq is a "complete failure" Democrats in both the House and the Senate are calling for a ...
Arkansas remediation rate shocks Gov. Huckabee
Little Rock, Arkansas - At the Sept 20, 2006, Next Step High School Redesign Summit at the Statehouse Convention Center, Governor Huckabee r...
Illegals From Terror-Sponsoring Nations at Large in US
Almost half of the illegal aliens arriving in the U.S. from terrorist-sponsoring or "special interest" nations in the past few yea...
Tell the UN to prevent a nuclear armed Iran
Recent events in the Middle East have been of great concern. Iran has been supporting a terrorist war against Israel through Hamas and Hezbo...
Mehlman Lays Out Choice For Mid-Term Voters
RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman writes in the Wall Street Journal (9/22/06), "Last month's narrowly averted plot to blow up airliners bou...
Dobson makes reluctant return to politics
WASHINGTON - Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson made a reluctant return to the political stage this week, rallying family-values vote...
Is ADE Article Government Propaganda?
Ken James, State Department of Education Commissioner, in a Democrat Gazette guest editorial (9/10/06), said, "Never in this state have...
Nancy Pelosi wants to be President
The Speaker of the House is first in succession, after the Vice President to become President of the United States. Make no mistake about i...
Vic Snyder hard core protection for illegal aliens
Vic Snyder continues to demostrate that he is hard core in supporting protection of illegal aliens. The proof is in his actions. His votes...
Million Calls To Be Made
State GOP director says that Arkansas Republicans plan to make one million phone calls in the next 50 days to carry the GOP team to victory ...
Prayer at the Pole Sept. 27 '06
Before classes begin on Wednesday, Sept. 27, students will join with hundreds of thousands around the nation to pray around the flagpoles an...
UN Tax - Dangerous Precedent
Too often, voters in an election year wait to be asked by candidates for Congress for support. It should be the voters who put the candidate...
US House Passes Bill to Make Voters Show ID
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House voted (228-196) on a new photo ID plan Wednesday to require Americans to show proof of citizenship in order to ...
Halter, Holt clashed on immigration, schools, wages
LITTLE ROCK, AR - In their first debate (9/18/06) , Republican State Senator Jim Holt and Democrat Bill Halter, the statewide candidates for...
I.R.S. Eyes Religious Groups as More Enter Election Fray
With midterm elections less than two months away, Christian conservatives are enlisting churches in eight battleground states to register vo...
1st AR Gubernatorial Debate Video
KAIT/Ch. 8 in Jonesboro has the video from the debate posted on their website. Thoughts on the debate: 1) The debate makes it clear that...
Nun Shot by Islamic Gunmen Forgave Her Killers on Deathbed
NAIROBI, Kenya - A nun shot four times at the Somali hospital where she worked forgave her killers as she lay dying, colleagues said Monda...
Beebe: Conflict of Interest on Predatory Payday Lenders
Asa Hutchinson says that Attorney General Mike Beebe has a conflict of interest in taking campaign money from predatory lending companies wh...
Media Gatekeepers
Columnist Mike Masterson wonders why Democratic candidates are sidestepping questions about the party?s decision to remove from their party ...
Is This What They Mean By 'Muslim Tolerance?'
If we bow to this manufactured, hypocritical fury, then we will already have lost one of the most important battles to face us. Listen to d...
Are you ready for some voting?
"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individua...
Wake Up America!
ARRA Editor's Pick of the Week: Visit Wake up America . If you have high speed - watch the intro flash movie. One inside the website, y...
Political Correctness Affecting U.S. Winning A War
Bill Cosby once did a comedy routine wherein he described the "rules" of the American Revolution. Intoning, as would a referee, Co...
'Radical Christianity' as Threatening as Radical Islam?
Stupid comment of the week: Now, as a co-host member of Barbara Walters' chat show "The View," Rosie O'Donnell has a new ...
Arkansas Democrat State Candidates Fail to Answer Questions
Arkansas News Bureau, Little Rock: Statewide Democrat candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and attorney general...
Arkansas Democrats Favor of Hidden Earmarks
The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Capitol Hill Thursday to require sponsors' names on "earmarks," which appropriate m...
Chaplain's Right to Pray
A bill protecting the rights of each chaplain to have the prerogative to pray according to his own dictates of conscience passed the house! ...
Holt & Halter to Debate
Senator Jim Holt (R) and Bill Halter (D), Candidates for Arkansas Lieutenant Governor will "square off" at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 18...
Vic Snyder Votes Against Securing Borders
Three Arkansas Representatives, John Boozman (R), Marion Berry (D) and Mike Ross (D) voted for the best interests of Arkansas and the Unites...
University Officials Threaten to Arrest Conservative Student
Administrators at the University of Central Oklahoma at Edmond have threatened to arrest a student who was recruiting members for a conserva...
House Passes Border-Fence Bill
( - Wasting no time on an issue of concern to many voters, the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill that woul...
Pelosi Claims Catching Osama Bin Laden Won?t Make America Safer
Tuesday's Fox News Special report, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said "even to capture him now, I don't think, make...
Democrats Running In Circles To Find New Direction
September 15, 2006: Dems are still grasping unsuccessfully for a theme that can draw in voters this fall. Dana Milbank reports in today...
ACLU Attacks Christian Prayer at Football Game
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is representing three Muslim athletes at New Mexico State University who say they faced religious ...
Christian Student Club Denied Equal Access
A Christian club told by Kansas school officials it could not meet on school grounds without paying a fee has filed a lawsuit. The Alliance ...
U.S. Embassy Attacked in Syria
One day after the US remembered 9/11, terrorists attacked a US Embassy! Islamic militants attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in Damascus, S...
Patriot Act Supporters See Success; Detractors Disagree
( - Critics of the USA Patriot Act warn that Americans' civil liberties are under assault, but national security experts see...
9/11 Commissioners Warn: Don't Lose Focus on Terrorism
( - The chairman and vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission encouraged elected officials to stay focused on securing the nation ag...
Payday Lenders funding Arkansas Democrats
According to research conducted by Arkansans Against Abusive Payday Lending and reviewed by Arkansas Business, known owners and operators of...
9/11 (2006) Anniversary - AP Videos
4 Planes, 2 Towers, 148 minutes From the first take-off to the final tower collapse, a look back at the two hours and 28 minutes that chang...
Lest We Forget - 9/11
Five years ago, America witnessed terrorism at a level never experienced before. Our eyes were opened, and our hearts were ripped apart with...
Democrats, Republicans Spar Over Immigration Ad
( - The Democratic National Committee is again calling for Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.) to denounce a television ad created by t...
People That Want to Kill Us - The War on Terror
Progress for America (PFA) began an issue advocacy effort that includes television advertising on national cable and on broadcast in Missou...
First Lady Commissions USS Texas
GALVESTON, Texas (AP) -- The USS Texas, the Navy's newest 377-foot-long nuclear-powered attack submarine, was commissioned at the Port ...
ACLU Attacks Christian Prayer at Football Game
The ACLU is crying religious discrimination for three Muslim student-athletes at New Mexico State University because coach allowed Christian...
Support Patriots Not Illegal Aliens.
Illegal aliens cross fence in Southeastern Arizona. Photo by American Border Patrol . Gunner Delay's new campaing ad clearly identifies...
Huckabee Faults Some Republicans
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Gov. Mike Huckabee faulted some congressional Republicans for abandoning party principles and said he is urging loc...
Women's Group Speaks Out Against Bill Halter
The Women's Prayer and Action Group identify 8 things you should know about Bill Halter Is pro abortion. Was the only Republican or Dem...
Democrat Party - the party of homosexual marriage
State Representative Johnny Key, Minority Leader of the Arkansas House of Representative, asked today "Why do Democrats in Arkansas sti...
Conservative Democrat Supports Jim Holt for Lt. Governor
Arkansas Times Blog reports that Dan Noble, former campaign manager for Senator Tim Wooldridge, said, "This election cycle I have chos...
Catholics Want Apology for Anti-Christian Cartoons
A Catholic organization is asking the University of Virginia's student newspaper to apologize for several cartoons it recently printed t...
Senate OK's Massive Defense Bill & Funds for Special CIA Unit
The Senate agreed (98-0) to spend an additional $63 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The overwhelming support for t...
A Look Into A Future Under a Democratic Congress
Imagine a less-secure America, with higher taxes, lower morals, and a Presidential impeachment trial underway. Well you don't have to im...
Georgetown Univ. Ousts Conservative Christian Groups
Georgetown University (GU) has been open to multiple religious viewpoints and proudly proclaims its "religious diversity." But tha...
Sex-Offender Database is Far from Perfect
Predators are finding ways to circumvent the system. The National Sex-Offender Public Registry lists more than 400,000 people, but it's...
Mike Beebe - a Walking Conflict of Interest
Arkansas Times's Max Brantly 9/7/06 reports that " Beebe, in fact, is a walking conflict of interest on account of his long associ...
McDaniels' Contributions look a little "shady"
The liberal Arkansas Times blog approvingly notes GOP Attorney General hopeful Gunner DeLay's call for campaign finance reform as he qu...
America's Stake in the '06 Elections
Conservative America is justifiably angry over the lack of Republican representation it receives in Washington. The two biggest bones of con...