Breaking News
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Info Post
Vic Snyder, Arkansas 2nd District Congressman was the lone extremely liberal member of the Arkansas Congressional delegation who voted for absolute liberalism and the ACLU. He voted No on Tuesday to the Public Expression of Religion Act (HR 2679) with passed with final vote of 244 to 173. Our other three Arkansas congressmen, 2 Democrats and 1 Republican, voted Yes on the bill. Role Call Vote ..

The bill would prohibit judges from awarding taxpayer dollars to lawyers such as those hired by the ACLU in religious freedom cases. Remember those ACLU laywers who weere supposed to be working for free to help save our civil liberties but are now making money by attacking religious freedom. The bill doesn't stop ACLU lawyers (who are paid by the ACLU) from representing clinets but it will remove the dollar incentives for nonprofit lawyers who have filed frivioulous lawsuits - which they have done often agaist Chrisitan groups. Voters of the 2nd District - please help yourself and the rest of Arkansas - Snyder is NOT supporting your values and beliefs - time to say NO to Snyder in November by Voting for Andy Mayberry!


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