Breaking News
Thursday, September 7, 2006

Info Post
Conservative America is justifiably angry over the lack of Republican representation it receives in Washington. The two biggest bones of contention, spending and immigration, ... Yet regardless of the particular issue in question, the detrimental effects of Republican ineptitude and half-hearted dedication to the party's undergirding principles, while certainly making the case for an overhaul of its leadership, does not suggest in any way that America should turn to the Democrats.
The fallout from a Democrat controlled Congress, both in its immediate adverse impact on traditional America as well as the long-term costs involved, would ultimately be far more harmful to the future of the country. And it is by no means guaranteed that such harm could be turned around for many years to come, even in the event that the country were to immediately recognize the error of empowering the left. ["America's Stake in the '06 Elections" by Christopher Adamo, 7/7/06, CrownWatch]


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