Arkansas Democrats Favor of Hidden Earmarks
Info Post
The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Capitol Hill Thursday to require sponsors' names on "earmarks," which appropriate money for specific programs. H.RES.1003 providing for the adoption of the resolution (H.Res. 1000) passed the with a vote of 245-171. The resolution does not stop earmarks but does require the disclosure of earmarks and the names of those representatives inserting earmarks (pork spending in many cases like the "Bridge to No Where"). Boozman (R) voted for full disclosure. The Democrate contengent of Marion Berry (D), Vic Snyder (D) and Mike Ross (D) voted AGAINST disclosure of earmarks. Vote recorded! [Editor note: if disclosure had been in effect, potentially Marion Berry and Berry Farms would not have received over $800, 000 in farm subsidies.]
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