Vic Snyder continues to demostrate that he is hard core in supporting protection of illegal aliens. The proof is in his actions. His votes demostrate his support of illegal immigration. While our three other congressmen (2 democrates & 1 republican) voted yes, Snyder is the ONLY Arkansas US Congressman to vote NO on the following three bills to reduce illegal aliens:
H.R. 6094 ... Passed 328-95 Community Protection Act of 2006. Who Voted Provides for the detention of dangerous aliens, the removal of deportable criminal aliens, and the inadmissibility and deportability of aliens participating in street gang activity.
H.R. 6095 ... Passed 277-140 Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006 Who Voted Reaffirms the inherent authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws. Hopefully, a strong symbol to all the local governments around the country who just now are flexing their enforcement muscles to try to break up illegal populations in their communities.
H.R. 6061 ... Passed 283-138 the Secure Fence Act of 2006 Who Voted Called for a double-layered fence to protect about a third of the long and porous border. Reported on previously
Snyder like all other Members of Congress did not want to face the voters this fall and explain why they wanted to protect the tunnels, so he did vote yes on H.R. 4830 ... Passed 422-0 The Tunnel Bill Who Voted Creates explicit penalties for construction and/or use of a border tunnel because there have not been explicit laws against digging networks of tunnels under our borders -- this bill was overdue.
Vic Snyder hard core protection for illegal aliens
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