Breaking News
Friday, September 29, 2006

Info Post
In a Bill Halter news release, Halter acts like a child shouting "liar, liar, pants on fire." Has the stress of campaigning caused Halter to regress to dirty tricks? Or is his campaign staff running amok? Almost every Arkansan, except Halter and his staff, who knows Jim Holt will tell you that he is not a liar. Holt may get under your skin asking questions and standing for his positions on pro-life, illegal immigration, foster care, and taxes. But Holt doesn't tell "whoppers" as alleged by the Halter campaign. Halter's education at liberal Stanford University in CA or his time as a Washington DC insider must have included perfecting the "big lie" to deceive people . Halter even got the Arkansas Times to print his lies.

Well lets review Halter lies which can be revealed via documentation verses a rampage of allegations:
Halter Lie #1: "Holt cites a bogus study conducted by the Women's Prayer and Action Group." That partisan group apparently only received 30 comments to a teacher survey they sent out six years ago."
Truth: The study's cover letter that Halter calls bogus was signed by former Senator Peggy Jeffries, who served on the Senate Education Committee and was later appointed as a member of the State Board of Education by Governor Huckabee. It was sent to 711 teachers from a number of schools in the state varying in size.
Review the letter.
Truth: There were 30 pages of comments, not 30 comments, with 90% of them negative toward the educational reforms. 80% of the answers on the survey were negative but 90% of the comments were. Review Teachers Comments.

Truth: The teacher survey was conducted six years ago. The Women's Prayer and Action Group began two years ago.
Halter Lie #2: Halter picks one quote out of the 90% others that are negative toward educational reforms saying, "Ironically, one of the first teacher comments to the survey said: 'Quality teachers can not be kept or hired unless Arkansas teachers receive a large pay raise.'"
Truth: The survey depicts that when money is mentioned in the comments by the teachers, it is most often in reference to the money wasted by the educational reforms. To Review the Comments.
Halter Lie #3: "Women's Prayer and Action Group which is headed up by Holt campaign volunteer Debbie Pelley."
Truth: How does Halter know who heads up the Women's Prayer and Action Group. In fact. they have NO designated officers, and several different women take on responsibilities to pray and to write signed articles. Is Halter so desperate that he must attack a group of praying women involved in nonpartisan civic action?
Halter Lie #4 - by inference: Halter in an effort to "toot his own horn," assigns a someone else's comment to Jim Holt. The comment was NOT made by Jim Holt but by a Democrat who is supporting and working for the Holt's campaign to defeat Halter. The person called Halter's prior position with the SSA as a "low-level political appointment."
Truth: Holt did not say this comment - a democrat did! Another truth - some people of small stature need to be seen bigger than they actually are!
Truth: While working in the Clinton Administration and directing SSA activities, SSA funds continued to be depleted and used for other government activities. Halter also had to appear before Congress to address "integrity issues" at SSA.
Halter Lie #5 - by deception: Quoting Holt comment that "I've have been working tirelessly to reduce the tax burden in this state to bring in high paying jobs," Halter says Holt is "All talk and no action."
Truth: Halter identifies bills introduced by Holt (which was definitely action) which did not clear democrat controlled committees . Holts' bills were 'dead on arrival" because Halter's fellow "Tax and Spend" Democrats ran the committees.
Truth: These democrat Senate leaders have made Arkansans one of the most taxed peoples in the U.S. Holt is popular with the everyday Arkansan who is tired of the burden of taxes. Does Halter say how he will cut taxes?
Halter Lie #6: Halter's news release says he attended Stanford University for four years, and "beyond that has not lived one day in California. Bill Halter has been an Arkansas resident his entire life, even when he left the state to serve Arkansas and our country in the Clinton Administration."
Truth: Halter did not live in Arkansas while attending CA Stanford Univ. Halter did not live in Arkansas while attending Oxford Univ. in England. He lived in the Virginia, Maryland area for many years while serving in DC. Where did he go and work after leaving with the Clinton Administration? "On June 1, 2006, the Arkansas News Service reported that Democrat Bill Halter, who has touted his business experience and memberships on the boards of successful biotech firms in his campaign for lieutenant governor, has left the board of a California startup that has burned through nearly $500 million without ever turning a profit. The firm, which is also the target of a Justice Department investigation ... Halter was named to board of Brisbane, Calif.-based InterMune Inc. in July 2002".
It's time for Halter stop his "mud slinging lies" and to make his positions known to the voters!


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