Breaking News
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Info Post
Tony Perkins, FRC: Terrorism has visited us in so many unexpectedly horrible ways in recent decades that it's hard to imagine it has anything new in its repertoire. Then come the recent attacks in London and Glasgow to dispel that thought. British authorities have now arrested what a reporter has described as a "multinational circle of medical workers," all men, all Muslim, a number of them doctors in Britain's National Health Service. In a column in today's New York Sun, FRC Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment Ken Blackwell writes about a central fact of Britain's health system that foster these terrorists' entree to the country and ability to avoid suspicion. "Foreign doctors," he writes, "are given top priority and almost immediate entrance into Great Britain. In fact," he notes, "they make up nearly 40% of all British doctors." The reason for the extent of this phenomenon is that "the provision of free medical care through a government-based system has created a patient demand that exceeds the health care supply." As the United States is tempted to move toward a system of national health care, the British situation offers another example of the law of unintended consequences. As Ken argues persuasively, America will do better with alternatives that emphasize family ownership, competition among service providers, and conscience protections - with enhanced national security as a by-product. See also: Ken Blackwell: Vulnerable Here

Tags: foreign doctors, FRC, Great Britian, terrorism, terrorist, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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