Virginia Republican Senator John Warner, who is 80 years old, announced today he will not seek reelection. Warner is leaving what would have...
Justice Department and The Islamic Society
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition: The Bush Administration's Justice Department is going to participate in a conv...
Arkansas AG sues company, alleges sale of fake driver's licenses
Arkansas News Bureau: LITTLE ROCK - The state attorney general's office filed a lawsuit Thursday against a Jonesboro company for allege...
Less Than Half of all Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory
In 2004, history professor Naomi Oreskes performed a survey of research papers on climate change . . . Medical researcher Dr. Klaus-Martin S...
Wyoming Republicans move caucus to January 5th
The Right's Field: "Wyoming Republicans just set their primary caucus for January 5, leapfrogging the entire field (well, for now...
Arkansas Rep. Vic Snyder hears worries on immigration
by Michael R. Wickline, NWA News: Two months after President Bush’s immigration plan collapsed in the U. S. Senate, U. S. Rep. Vic Snyder o...
Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor Received Norman Hsu Campaign Contributions
Update to Story: Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor gives Norman Hsu donation to charity by John Anderson, The Citizen's Journal : Looks like Hil...
Arkansas Republican Party Appoints New General Counsel
Arkansas Republican Party Press Release: Little Rock -- Chairman Dennis Milligan has appointed Mr. Chris Stewart, of Little Rock, as Genera...
Clinton-Obama Gets Communist Fidel Castro Endorsement
by Anthony Boadle, Reuters: HAVANA (Reuters) - Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro is tipping Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack...
The People Must Demand The Fair Tax
by Doug Patton: . . . The elites of this country, who buy those million-dollar homes, are not enamored with the Fair Tax. They would be if ...
Breaking News - Thompson to Tell Supporters He's In Today
Update: On September 6, 2007, Fred Thompson will be announcing his intention to run for President of the United States with a webcast avail...
The Latest Fad In Public Schools
by Phyllis Schlafly: Every few years a new fad sweeps across the public schools. We've had self-esteem, new math, whole language, New A...
Marriage in California Could End?
by Randy Hall: In legal briefs submitted to the California Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorn...
Democrat fundraiser (Norman Hsu) is a fugitive in plain sight
Update: Clinton to Give Away Fundraiser's Cash ARRA Editor: California authorities have sought Norman Hsu for 15 years. Since 2004, he...
Today’s Poor Are Well Off
Featured article a Network Partner - Please stop by Ft. Hard Knox : by Orlando, Ft Hard Knox : Liberals are quick to whip out the “poor car...
Huckabee's Tacky Statement About Thompson’s ChancesIs Huckabee Seeking to be a Political Pundit?
On Fox News Sunday and as reported by the AP , Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says unofficial presidential candidate Fred T...
The 'Blue Dog' Moment - So far, they're spending like other Democrats
Wall Street Journal Editorial: A high-stakes budget showdown is shaping up this fall between President Bush and Congressional Democrats. Th...
Fred Thompson May Announce Sept 4th - Campaign Structure Continues Reorganzing
Real Clear Politics: Sources tell numerous outlets that Thompson will announce his campaign September 4th, and that he will participate in ...
Huckabee Warns of Obesity Epidemic
by Emily Wagster Pettusr: Republican presidential candidate and self-described "recovering foodaholic" Mike Huckabee told Souther...
What is the role of the Border Patrol?
by Bobby Eberle: With all the heated debate on illegal immigration and calls for increased numbers of Border Patrol agents, one would think...
Nouri Maliki returns fire at Democrats Hillary Clinton & Car Levin
BBC News: Iraq's prime minister has hit back at senior US politicians who have called for him to be removed from office. Nouri Maliki s...
Confirmed: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Resigns
FoxNews: U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has handed in his resignation, FOX News confirmed Monday. "After months of unfair trea...
Restoring the Rule of Law - Eliminating Sanctuary Cities
by Senator Norm Coleman, Republican MN : Increasingly it seems Americans in different parts of the country have opened their morning newspa...
Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the US Taxpayer
by Debbie Pelley: Texas' illegal immigrant population is costing the state's taxpayers more than $4.7 billion per year for educati...
Arkansas YRs Question Beebe Endorsement
Your Republicans of Arkansas : Democrat Governor Mike Beebe, along with most of the elected state Democrat delegation, showed their unwaveri...
One Quarter of Black Population Missing from Abortion Genocide Says Dr. Alveda King
by Hilary White: Dr. Alveda King, the niece of legendary human rights campaigner Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., told a meeting of Priests fo...
Highway Robbery of Texas Roads(SPP & Trans-Texas Corridor)
by Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum: Texas drivers are tired of traffic gridlock. We want new roads built sooner rather than later, but we d...
Huckabee On A Roll!
by John Gizzi: Presidential politics was in full swing at the Midwest Republican Conference here, as Mike Huckabee brought the 400-plus gue...
Duncan Discusses his Faith on TBN [Video]
Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter shares his Christian faith and talks about America's spiritual heritage. Tags: Duncan Hunter, Ele...
Hispanics Moving Out Of Oklahoma Before New Law Takes Effect
by Jerry Giordano, Tulsa News Channel 8: Tens of thousands of Hispanics have left the Tulsa area. And, a law designed to crack down on ille...
Turning Up the Heat on Fred Thompson
by Jane Whitson, Pajamas Media: If the sweltering 96 degree heat in Nashville at a fundraiser/reception this week for Fred Thompson is any ...
Romney, Thompson, Huckabee address GOP conference
Indianapolis: This weekend, Republican presidential candidates Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are addressing activists from ...
Bush put on spot: Where's the fence?Despite $800 million , only 18 miles completed
by Jerome R. Corsi: With only a small fraction of the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico complete, California congressman and Republi...
Iraqi terrorists caught along Mexico border
WorldNetDaily, Aug 23, 2007: President Bush's top intelligence aide has confirmed that Iraqi terrorists have been captured coming into ...