Breaking News
Monday, August 20, 2007

Info Post
by Jamon Smith, Tuscaloosa News: Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul dominated the West Alabama Republican Assembly 2007 Presidential Preference Straw Poll held at the Bryant Conference Center Saturday afternoon. Of the 266 votes casts during the poll, Paul claimed 216, landing him an easy victory. . . .
Ron Paul 216
Mitt Romney 14
Duncan Hunter 10
Fred Thompson 9
Rudy Giuliani 7
Mike Huckabee 6
Sam Brownback 2
John McCain 2
Tom Tancredo 0

A statewide survey of likely voters taken [by American Research Group Inc.] between July 30 and August 2 found just 1% of likely Republican voters reporting they’d choose Paul if the election were held that day. Former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson led that poll with 31%, followed by Giuliani at 26%. McCain had the third strongest following in that poll, 16%. . . . DeWayne Fowler, president of the West Alabama Republican Assembly, said he thought more supporters of the other Republican presidential candidates would have shown up at the poll, but he’s not surprised that Paul’s dominated the event. “We’re not endorsing anybody, but if one candidate wants to energize and mobilize his voters, then more power to him,” Fowler said . . . [Read More]

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