Rasmussen Reports: 79% of American adults favor a proposal requiring employers to fire workers who falsify identity documents; 9% are opposed while 12% are not sure. The survey was conducted as the Bush Administration announced a series of proposals designed to crack down on illegal immigration. One proposal would require companies to fire workers if proper documents are not provided by the employee within 90 days. While this proposal has upset some immigrant-rights leaders, most Americans would like to go even further - 74% believe that if a person wants to rent an apartment they should be required to provide documents proving they are in the country legally. Just 17% are opposed. . . .
68% of Americans believe it is Very Important to improve border enforcement and reduce illegal immigration. That view is held by 80% of Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 64% of those not affiliated with either major political party. Those figures are little changed from earlier in the year. The government currently has little credibility in this arena. Just 12% of Americans believe the federal government is doing enough to secure the border and reduce illegal immigration. 71% say it is not doing enough . . . [Read More]
Tags: immigration enforcement, Rasmussen Poll, Rasmussen Reports. support for immigration enforcement, immigration engorcement, illegals, illegal aliens To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Public Support Strong for New Immigration Enforcement
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