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Friday, August 17, 2007

Info Post
Below are two different postings that highlight that people like Mike Huckabee. But that does not mean they will vote for him.

Huckabee would make a great president by Robert Clegg, New Hampshire: While I congratulate anyone who runs for office, I find myself able to recommend only one Republican candidate to fill the job before us. Only one candidate has successfully worked in an atmosphere where the party in power and and the party he affiliated with were different, and yet the successes of his 10 year tenure are evident today. It is because of his leadership the state of Arkansas will see for generations the good things he accomplished, like a better infrastructure and better schools. . . . In Huckabee I see a man who wants to bring to America a sense of pride and fulfillment. I see a man who wants to be president for all of us.

I Will Not Be Voting for Huckabee by John Mark Reynolds, California: I like Mike Huckabee. I think he has done well in all the debates. I will not be voting for Mike Huckabee in the California primary. . . . He has no proven track record of appealing to voters not already in the fold. We don’t need someone who can preach to the choir, we need the equivalent of C.S. Lewis who can talk to people who hate choir music. Mike Huckabee is not that guy. He is the kind of guy who ends up as Vice President, but he is not the person to save pro-life Senators and Congressmen in trouble in Blue States. I like Mike and that means he is not the guy. Who could be? We need someone who is for our values, but can win the votes of people who are not just as we are. We need someone who can appeal to non-political junkies and people who do not go to Church on Sunday. We need someone who can win not just place second for a “moral victory.” Second place next November will not be a victory for morality. Who is the guy? Right now that is either Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney.

Tags: California, Mike Huckabee, New Hampshire, presidential candidate, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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