Breaking News
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Info Post
by Erin Roach: As children across the nation head back to school, students in Montgomery County, Md., will be taught to celebrate homosexuality, and they'll likely be shielded from anyone who believes such behaviors are wrong. Pro-family groups are appealing a decision by the Maryland State Board of Education that allows Montgomery County to teach middle and high school students that homosexuality, bisexuality and transvestism are normal "innate" sexual variations and that anyone who opposes such conduct is "homophobic."

The Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center is assisting Citizens . . . The law center says the curriculum (1) teaches students that homosexuality is "innate," which is an unproven theory; (2) teaches students that anal sex is just another sexual option without warning students of the increased HIV/AIDS risk of anal sex, even with a condom; (3) labels as "homophobic" children who hold traditional religious or moral beliefs about homosexuality; and (4) teaches students that transgenderism is just another "sexual orientation," even though transgenderism has been classified as a mental disorder."This curriculum is full of factual inaccuracies and runs counter to sound educational policy," Edward L. White III, trial counsel with Thomas More, said in a news release. "It should not be taught in the public school." . . . [Read More]

ARRA Editor's comment: For people on all sides of the issue, before you start commenting on this post - ask yourself, WHY are we "again" seeking a sex agenda in public school? Sex education belongs at home and not in public school. Education is already lacking in quality content related to the basic education needed by all people to succeed regardless of sexual orientation. The hidden agenda of sex education that was advanced in the late 80's was population control -- not sexual freedom. But sexual freedom was more enticing, so people did not look deeply for underlying agendas. A warning, when curriculum leaves the control of the community and becomes promoted and controlled by centralist government (even one that begins at the grassroots), the results become indoctrination and lack of freedom. In all nations where a lack of freedom exists, both GLBT and Christians have suffered, been persecuted, and killed by the governments that they hoped would protect them. Evaluate the history of communism, radical socialism (fascism), dictatorships, and governments controlled by one religious group. You will find that the people who did not meet the central standards established by the government for the population became disposable. Neither GLBT nor Christians have rights to exist under the Taliban or a country practicing strict Islamist law. Stalin and Hitler murdered in addition to Jews, the mentally handicapped, the elderly, and millions of GLBT and Christians. Be careful what you ask for -- the wolf of tyranny may be waiting for all of us.

Tags: Christians, education, GLBT, homosexual activism, sex education, tyranny To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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