Going into Ames, nobody expected Tancredo to do well. His campaign is underfunded, has a scattered presence in the state and has been dwarfed by the Romney juggernaut. Tancredo, though, did not give up and kept traveling from town to town bringing his message to anyone who would listen. What is his message? Tancredo is one of the few men running for president who understands both the physical and cultural threat an unsecured border poses to our nation. While Romney was employing illegal aliens and Brownback was signing off on Kennedy-McCain amnesty, Tancredo was a lone voice defending America's right to protect her cultural integrity. . . . Tancredo decried the ethnic chauvinism that is prevalent in new Hispanic immigrants and warned the party faithful that "we are watching the Balkanization of our country." This past Saturday, the voters in Ames let it be known that they will not lose their country without a fight . . . [Read More]
Tags: Election 2008, GOP, immigration, Iowa Straw Poll, presidential candidate, Republican, Tom Tancredo To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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