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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Info Post
William Wilberforce . . . was a British Parliamentarian, and the leader in the abolition of the slave trade in Europe. . . . Wilberforce, under the encouragement of other abolitionists, soon became the leading member of the Abolitionist movement. For twelve years he worked to pass legislation to outlaw slavery. He faced much adversity and many obstacles, but finally, his bill passed. The ball was then rolling to end slavery worldwide. . . . Yet, the work of justice never completes itself in one instant, it is a battle we are constantly fighting and oftentimes losing. Although I do not know of another Wilberforce living among us in the present age, I am attracted to Duncan Hunter because I see the same convictions and spirit of Wilberforce alive in him.

Most specifically, I consider the issue of abortion. Although in the political realm . . . the pro-life stance is not very popular . . . The same thing happened in Wilberforce’s time. Excuse after excuse was poised as to why the slave trade should continue. Many argued that it would destroy their economy (and their reasoning was valid for the most part), others argued that the slaves were too dumb and too docile to have any objection to the trade in the first place. Despite critics, Wilberforce tried over and over again to pass his bill to end the slave trade. And today, despite the controversy and the critics, one of my modern heroes has continued the fight to end the despicable practice of abortion.

Congressman Duncan Hunter has been the author . . . at least 5 times . . . of the ‘Life at Conception Act’ which is an act that, if passed, would define life as beginning at conception. If that happened, the 14th amendment would apply to protecting the lives of the unborn. An admission made by the court in their Roe v. Wade ruling. . . . the arguments and beliefs that fueled the abolition movement are fundamental to the pro-life movement. It is an issue that goes to the core of our Constitutional, foundational beliefs. Duncan Hunter understands this. He has said this, “The Founding Fathers developed these [First Amendment] clauses to guarantee the right of all citizens to worship and to protect the church from the state, not to strip religion from the everyday lives of Americans.“
Representative Duncan Hunter’s (R-CA) Life at Conception Act [H.R. 618] was introduced in the House of Representatives on the 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, January 22, 2007, with a record 64 original cosponsors. [Author unknown - Source for Full Article]
See also: Duncan Hunter to Speak at Values Voter Summit
Tags: abortion, Duncan Hunter, Life at Conception Act, slavery To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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