For example, we talk about free speech but there is growing evidence that our speech isn’t quite as free as it used to be. Political correctness dictates that we cannot say certain things if they are not assumed to be politically correct. Religious speech is often constrained or prohibited in the public square. Public safety is another. Some of us grew up in houses where we never locked the front door. I bet you lock the front door now. . . . Can we go back to those days? No we cannot. But we can return to the best values of America by resisting some of the political forces as well as the profound cultural forces that are shaping America in the wrong direction. Adults used to say that when they were young things were hard and difficult. Now adults seem to be saying just the opposite: that things were better when they were young. . . . [Read More] Kirby Anderson is the National Director of Probe Ministries as well as Host of Point of View radio talk show. He is the author of eight books including Signs of Warning, Signs of Hope Moral Dilemmas, Christian Ethics in Plain Language, A Biblical Point of View on Islam, and A Biblical Point of View on Homosexuality.
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