Breaking News
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Info Post
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: The shockingly bad 5-to-4 Supreme Court decision yesterday to award the right of “habeas corpus” to enemy combatants is a glimpse of what our future will look like if Barack Obama wins in November and if the political Left increases its majorities in Congress. Habeas corpus is the right we have as American citizens to challenge detention by the government. The five justice liberal majority yesterday extended that right to jihadists captured abroad. The prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay will now be able to demand in federal court the same right that you have. The government will be required to present evidence to justify their continued detention. What evidence? The battlefield is not a crime scene. Soldiers don’t read the enemy their Miranda rights. Fingerprints are not taken in war. The court’s liberal majority has written an absurd opinion that appears to be totally divorced from reality. Justice Scalia, one of the four dissenting conservatives, predicted that the majority’s decision will result in Americans dying. He is right.

In World War II, we held 400,000 prisoners of war on U.S. soil. Even though they were held here, they were not given the right just awarded to the terrorist allies of the thugs who killed 3,000 of on 9/11. And if the Guantanamo prisoners have these rights, then it is only a matter of time before the jihadist prisoners being held in Iraq and Afghanistan will be granted them, too. Our Founding Fathers would be shocked to see what has been done to the document they created. Notice that the decision was five-to-four. A narrow one-vote majority has turned our effort to defeat Islamic terror upside down. The Constitution our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan are defending can now be used as a weapon against them.

Of the five justices responsible for this fiasco, one, of them, Justice Stevens, is 88-years-old and another, Justice Ginsburg is 75. If a President McCain gets the opportunity to replace either of them, this obscene ruling could be overturned. If a President Barack Obama, after consulting with his friends at the ACLU and, puts two new young liberals on the court to replace them, we will get more self-destructive rulings for decades. And don’t forget that this isn’t the only 5-to-4 vote we are facing on fundamental questions of values and national security. I’d like to see President Bush fight back. Just say, “No,” Mr. President. Send new legislation to Capitol Hill outlining how the jihadist thugs will be handled. Remind the court that the Constitution specifies only one commander-in-chief during war – you. And to my friend Senator McCain – Barack Obama embraced this decision yesterday with no hesitation. Take him on, and show the American people why this foolishness will endanger our country – and do it now!

Tags: detainees, Gary Bauer, Guantanamo Bay, Islamic terrorist, Miranda rights, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Judges, terrorist To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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