Tony Perkins, FRC Washington Update: Last year, even those supporting "civil rights" for homosexuals were not willing to include protections for cross-dressers and people who have sex-change operations in the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA). Despite this aversion, a House Education and Labor subcommittee yesterday held the first-ever congressional hearing on "transgender" employment protections. FRC VP for Policy, Peter Sprigg was present as two openly homosexual Members of Congress, Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Barney Frank (D-MA), were the lead hitters. Baldwin emphasized that "all of us are created equal -- though how we were created is exactly what transvestites and transsexuals are rebelling against. She admitted that a "gender identity non-discrimination law" has symbolic as well as practical purposes.
One of the main reasons we oppose legislation like ENDA is because it would symbolically declare that anyone who believes a man should remain a man and a woman remain a woman is a bigot. Frank, meanwhile, insisted that the bill is "no license to misbehave or be bizarre," but he was apparently ignorant of the fact that for a man to wear a dress is inherently bizarre. He also praised "transgenders" for having "courageously dealt with" their "deep anguish." But there is nothing "courageous" about indulging these desires rather than resisting them. Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund brought a note of sanity, reminding the committee that employers have rights too, and should be left alone to exercise them in this area. See Also: McClatchy: Transgenders air their plight on Capitol Hill
Tags: Barney Frank, ENDA, FRC, homosexual activism, Tammy Baldwin, Tony Perkins, transgender, US Congress, Washington Update To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Trans-formers: Frank and Barney Host Cross-Dressers
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