“My father and I were pleased to have an opportunity to meet and visit with Sen. John McCain today. Sen. McCain’s office had requested a meeting in recent months and we appreciate the effort he made to travel to my father’s home. The senator and I both have sons currently serving in the military, and also have a common interest in aviation. I was impressed by his personal faith and his moral clarity on important social issues facing America today.Franklin Graham also stressed “the responsibility of men and women of faith everywhere to vote and to be involved in the political process.” I was especially encouraged by Reverend Graham’s call to action because it refuted the defeatism I am hearing from so many good people. To do nothing would have devastating consequences for our values.
“My father told the senator of the time he met his father on a trip to Vietnam during the war when Admiral McCain was the commander in chief of the Pacific theater and John was being held as a prisoner of war. Admiral McCain invited my father to come see him in Honolulu and they got on their knees and prayed for John during his captivity; and did so again on a return trip. He expressed his gratitude for the senator’s long and brave service to our nation.
“We had an opportunity to pray for the senator and his family, and for God’s will to be done in this upcoming election.”
My friends, we have worked so hard for so long that we cannot give up now! Men and women of faith were instrumental in electing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The justices they have appointed to the Supreme Court have upheld the federal ban on partial-birth abortion and affirmed your Second Amendment rights. We may be one Supreme Court appointment away from overturning Roe v. Wade.
Moreover, at least three states will vote on marriage protection amendments this November – California, Florida and Arizona. Turnout by men and women of faith will be critical to the success of each effort, and the media, legal and political establishments will be paying very close attention to the results. . . . In addition, we have an opportunity to elect more pro-family, pro-life conservatives to Congress this November. I know the media like to spin the 2008 election as a done deal. But as the saying goes, “24 hours is an eternity in politics.” It’s worth remembering that in the summer of 1988, Michael Dukakis enjoyed a nearly 20-point lead over Vice President George Bush, who ultimately won the election by seven points. This election is far from over, and we’re not giving up!
Tags: Billy Graham, Election 2008, Franklin Graham, Gary Bauer, John Mccain, voting To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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