Breaking News
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Info Post
On The Floor: Senate resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to the House-passed tax extenders bill (H.R. 6049). Since Democrats have little to offer on gas prices, they’ve moved on to other bills. Later today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to move to the Housing bill (H.R. 3221) to deal with the troubled housing markets. At a time when there are so many questions revolving around politicians and mortgage deals, it’s more important than ever to have a full and transparent debate on any new government action on housing. It would be unfortunate if Reid and Democrats tried to jam the bill through by moving to fill the amendment tree and cut off debate. Debate would likely be based off a substitute amendment from Dodd. See Yesterdays ARRA News Service Post: Dodd Sponsors Lender Bailout, Takes VIP Loans

In the House: Democrats have reversed course and are set to pass a supplemental spending bill similar to the one they passed last month. After weeks of negotiations, Democrats have returned to adding to the bill: billions in unemployment insurance, the over $50 billion tax hike, and unacceptable war policy restrictions. Even though President Bush has threatened to veto the bill over all of these provisions and Democrats do not have the votes for a tax increase in the Senate, the House Democrat leaderships doesn't care. After all their wrangling and voval exercises, they have returned to their position one month ago: a bill full of provisions provoking a veto and our troops without the assurance that the money they need to complete their mission will be there. The major difference? We’re now one month closer to the Pentagon running short on funds. Another example of Democrats’ mismanagement by the Democtat leadership (Pelosi, of this Congress. An example which may have "deadly consequences" for our troops.

From Senate & News Sources: This morning, President Bush called on Congress to lift the ban on oil drilling on the outer continental shelf. Senate Republicans agree and tried to have the ban lifted for Virginia, a state whose Democrat governor supports drilling. Unfortunately, Democrats blocked the attempt at this time last year.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin took to the floor this morning to again complain that Senate Republicans voted against moving to the Democrats’ “energy bill.” Durbin claimed it would have addressed the “root causes” of high oil and gas prices. Even The Washington Post points out that Durbin;s Democrats bill is “For the most part, it was election-year symbolism.” The Post noted that the Democrats’ proposals “such as a Justice Department investigation of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, a windfall profits tax and an end to certain oil industry tax breaks, . . . would have had little or no impact on prices at the gas pump.” The editorial admonished Democrats that “Congress cannot repeal the law of supply and demand.” In contrast, Senate Republicans has repeatedly offered proposals that would create more American energy and more American jobs, but Democrats have voted them down every time.

Tags: bailout, Chris Dodd, domestic drilling, energy bill, housing assistance, lender bailout, mortgage default, oil drilling, taxes, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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