H/T to Minuteman HQ for the lead to the following story.
Becky Bruce on KSL TV5 reported: "The state of
Utah is spending nearly $8 million a year to keep 300 illegal immigrants in prison, but the numbers don't tell the whole story. Angie Welling, spokeswoman for the Utah Department of Corrections, says, "While it sounds like a lot of money, and certainly $8 million is a lot of money, in the overall scheme of things it's not as big as it may seem at first glance." The Utah Department of Corrections only got back about $550,000 from the federal government for locking up undocumented workers last year. . . ."
In Arkansas, the group
Secure Arkansas is also trying to "make a difference." They are seeking signature to place a provision on Arkansas November General Election. If approved by the voters, Arkansas government agencies will be among those required to track the associated cost of providing mandated federal services to illegal immigrants.
Tags: Arkansas, criminals, economic cost, illegal immigrants, prisons, Secure Arkansas, Utah To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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