Breaking News
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Info Post
Gordon Klingenschmitt, Christian NewsWire: Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is defending why his administration forced the sudden resignation of five Virginia State Police Chaplains because they prayed publicly "in Jesus' name." Police Superintendent Col. W. Steven Flaherty single-handedly created then enforced a strict "non-sectarian" prayer policy at all public gatherings, censoring and excluding Christian prayers, then accepted the resignation of five chaplains who refused to deny Jesus or violate their conscience by watering down their prayers.

House Republican Leader Morgan Griffith and Delegate Charles W. Carrico, (R-Grayson) both issued public statements defending the chaplains, questioning Governor Kaine's role in terminating the chaplains, and vowing to introduce legislation protecting police chaplains' right to pray according to their own conscience. . . . Citizens are urged to call Governor Kaine's office at 804-786-2211, to insist the chaplains be reinstated and the policy reversed . . . [Virginia Governor Tim Kaine Urged to Stop Persecuting Christians]

Tags: chaplain, Christian, Christian Right, Gordon Klingenschmitt, Jesus Christ, prayer, Tom Kaine, Virginia To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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