Breaking News
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday said that Sen. John McCain's claim that he will shake up Washington after agreeing with President Bush for so long is like "putting lipstick on a pig".

To the John McCain campaign, this was an example of unbridled sexism. "Sen. Obama ... uttered what I can only describe to be disgusting comments, comparing our vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, to a pig," former Mass. governor Jane Swift declared.On a conference call with reporters, Swift, the newly designated chair of the "Palin Truth Squad," demanded that Obama apologize -- and said, when pressed, that he must have been talking about Palin because she is the only one of the four candidates who wears lipstick.

To quote Hugh Downs, "Obama is a 'flake.'" Obama's comment is just another example of his "flakery."

Tags: Barack Obama, Jane Swift, John McCain, lipstick, pig, Politics, Sarah Palin To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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