Tony Perkins, FRC: Vice Presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) has found himself joining Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a dispute with the nation's Catholic bishops over their representation of Catholic theology. Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and Denver Auxiliary Bishop James Conley summarized the situation in the letter they released yesterday: "Meet the Press has become a national window on the flawed moral reasoning of some Catholic public servants. On Aug. 24, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, describing herself as an ardent, practicing Catholic, misrepresented the overwhelming body of Catholic teaching against abortion to the show's nationwide audience, while defending her 'pro-choice' abortion views. On Sept. 7, Sen. Joseph Biden compounded the problem to the same Meet the Press audience." After Speaker Pelosi's comments, at least 23 Catholic bishops responded to her remarks. After Senator Biden's comments more bishops are preparing to respond to what they see as a misrepresentation of Catholic faith by public officials. In addition to the Colorado bishops speaking out, Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison was so moved after watching Sen. Biden this past Sunday he scrapped his planned homily and instead addressed Catholic politicians who "forget" what they are taught in Catholic religious education both about faith and about biology. It would be wise for "Meet the Press" to have one of these leading clergymen on their program to clarify what Catholic teaching really says.
See also: CNA: Bishops criticize Biden's abortion remarks for flawed reasoning
Tags: bishops, Catholic, FRC, heresy, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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