Breaking News
Friday, September 19, 2008

Info Post
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: The shocking news that hackers broke into the E-mail account of Governor Sarah Palin is yet another disturbing example of the level of hostility men and women of faith are facing in the political arena. It could be the random act of one individual. But Barack Obama is certainly the most famous political celebrity to burst onto the scene in decades, yet his E-mail account has not been hacked. The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating. Whoever is responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But it seems very likely to me that this outrageous invasion of privacy was a political dirty trick, especially given how unhinged the radical Left has become since Palin's selection as the GOP vice presidential nominee. Sarah Palin and her family have had to endure unbelievable ridicule and scorn from the Left and the liberal media. Sadly, it isn't likely to end anytime soon.

Consider this: Nicholas Provenzo, a libertarian columnist who writes for a group that claims to be "dedicated to advancing individual rights," condemned Sarah Palin in a blog posting this week for exercising her individual right to give birth to her son, Trig, who has Down syndrome. Provenzo labels the decision to have a child, any child, "a profoundly selfish choice." This echoes the twisted reasoning of some radicals who refuse to have children because kids are burdens on resources and the environment. These confused ideologues seem to think that the human race is a disease infecting Mother Earth. Provenzo contends that by bringing a child with special needs into the world, the Palins are essentially stranding the cost of their child’s life upon others. Well, you could make the same argument about public schools, and maybe this individual would. But here we have crossed the line from abortion being a "choice" to it being a requirement determined by the demands of society at large.

What kind of society would make such demands? Communist China with its "one child" policy or Nazi Germany with its eugenics program, which valued only blue-eyed, blond-haired Aryans and decided that Jews should be exterminated. The author concludes his column by agreeing with the view of another radical leftist who described the decision of Sarah Palin and many other families to welcome their children into the world as the worship of retardation.” How progressively tolerant.

Meanwhile, in Nevada yesterday, Obama issued these orders to his followers: "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Once again, we are seeing the totalitarian impulse of the Left. The Obama campaign tries to silence its critics by harassing radio stations that dare to host conservatives, and now he is telling his followers to get in your face.

Can you imagine the media's outrage if James Dobson urged his supporters to "get in the face?" of liberals? He would be accused of inciting hatred and violence. Liberals have passed "buffer zone" laws to "protect" abortion centers from peaceful pro-life protestors. Can we get "buffer zones" to protect us from rabid Obama supporters who "get in our face"? No. Instead the Left wants to pass the Fairness Doctrine to shut down conservative and Christian talk radio in order to "protect" us from James Dobson, Rush Limbaugh and Chuck Colson. . . .

But, ultimately, you will decide who wins this election by voting in 47 days. Let me urge you to make sure that you and all your like-minded friends and family members are registered to vote. The deadline to register in most states is October 6th. Please make every effort to get your friends and family members registered. . . . I won't ask you to get into anyone's face, but I will ask you to get into the voting booth on November 4th!

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is once again coming to America to address the United Nations. The man should be arrested and put on trial for the Iranian regime's support of terrorism. Let me remind you once again about who he is and what he promotes. Ahmadinejad has repeatedly denied the Holocaust. He has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map." He has called Israel, our most reliable ally in the Middle East, a "stinking corpse." His regime is the world’s leading sponsor of Islamic terrorism, backing Hezbollah in its war against Israel and radical Shiite groups that are murdering civilians and American soldiers in Iraq. He is also aggressively pursuing nuclear technology in defiance of U.N. inspections. If Americans should be united on anything, it ought to be the need to expose Ahmadinejad as the evil thug he really is.

But, sadly, politics is once again trumping the national interest, and New York Senator Hillary Clinton has really let America down. Hillary was scheduled to speak at an event protesting Ahmadinejad’s visit next week. But yesterday Sen. Clinton's staff shocked the organizers of the event when they cancelled and backed out after it was reported that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had also been invited. How incredibly petty!

Once again, we are seeing that grand tradition of American consensus on foreign policy, that partisanship ends at the waters edge, being subverted by bitter partisanship. It shouldn't be too much to ask, for the sake of all those who love Israel and freedom, for politicians on both sides of the aisle to put their differences aside for a day, just as we did after 9/11, to unite against the same evil ideology that attacked us on that dark day and which dares to step foot on our soil now. But for Hillary and many on the radical Left, hatred of Sarah Palin outweighs any other consideration. My friends, we can't afford to have such petty partisans in the White House. Let's put country first by putting John McCain and Sarah Palin in the White House!

Tags: email, Gary Bauer, Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, pro-abortion, pro-life, Sarah Palin To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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