Mona Charen, National Review:— The vice-presidential debates are still two and a half weeks off, yet Governor Sarah Palin has already demonstrated a toughness under pressure that bodes well for her performance that night and throughout the remainder of the campaign . . . The pressure on Sarah Palin to perform well in her interview with Charlie Gibson was monumental. The country was almost literally panting to see it. And Gibson, as we have all noticed, felt obliged to play the role of inquisitor and prosecutor far more than interlocutor. One’s first primetime network interview would be terrifying under the best of circumstances. In this case, when she presented herself for questioning, the mainstream media had been in full bay for two weeks. Under these conditions, it’s a triumph that she didn’t tremble and stumble all the way through. As it is, she did fine. . . . Sarah Palin is not perfect — she’s just the most exciting, authentic, fresh, and talented politician to debut in a generation. . . .
[Palin in the pressure cooker] See also:Palin Phenomenon Accelerates Downfall Of Old MediaPalin staunchly pro-life on abortion, embryo research in Gibson interviewSalon article on Palin & hospital abortions leaves out half the storyPalin's "mission" to call for more transparencyPalin the outsiderDick Morris: GOP's gaining
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