In case you missed it, here's the play by play on Pelosi's energy "hoax": On Monday evening at 9:45 PM, Pelosi dropped a 245-page bill on Congress (H.R. 6899, the so-called "Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act."). Then, using arcane procedural maneuvers, she effectively stifled substantive debate, by-passed the committee process, prohibited amendments and forced a vote within 24 hours! And on Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives passed this "sham bill" on a mostly partisan vote of 239-189!
And Pelosi's bill is NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS. It will ACTUALLY PROHIBIT DOMESTIC DRILLING, RAISE YOUR TAXES, and has a 'mother-load' of Congressional pork!
The liberal media is already giving Pelosi political cover and repeating the lie. Within minutes of the passage of this "sham legislation":
But the sad truth is that this legislation DOES NOT lift the ban on offshore drilling; it actually effectively puts MORE RESTRICTIONS on offshore drilling! Right now, this "Pelosi sham bill" is on the fast-track to the Senate and the only thing that may stand in its way -- and the passage of REAL energy legislation that will actually open up domestic drilling -- is YOU and millions of other concerned Americans! If we don't take action right now, the mantra of "drill here and drill now" may be replaced by a policy of "drill nowhere, drill never and raise taxes on the American people." Contact Your Senators!
Tags: action alert, Center for Individual Freedom, energy bill, Nancy Pelosi, oil drilling, scams, speaker of the house To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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