One Reader's Opinion: Gary Evans, Baxter County, AR: Please bear with me as I blow off a little steam!!! What next?
If I am not mistaken, both of these candidates have already been elected to represent their constituents as well as their country’s best interest (also known as their day job). This appears to be the biggest issue during Obama's short time in office. I am shocked his ego would not allow him to temporarily leave his bid for a new position to do a job he has already been elected to do. His ego may be his worst enemy, assuming that is what prevented him from choosing Hillary as a running mate. I don't see that he (Obama) can have it both ways. Is it important enough to see that it is done right or not? The fact is he's slamming the proverbial door on the hand (some of you will relate to this more than others, i.e. Rick) of bipartisanship and saying they can do this without him. In paraphrase he states if they need him they know where to find him. What kind of attitude is that for a leader? If Obama was smart he would join McCain and cash in on McCain's ability to deliver the Republicans to get what is needed passed (at this time he is the only one that can delivery the Republican's vote). Obama has had many opportunities to debate McCain in the past but all of a sudden he has to do it on Friday, regardless of what happens with our economic future.
I don't know about you guys but I am tired of being put last behind some politician’s personal lust for money and power. I agree with Obama if we need him we’ll call him but he shouldn't hold his breath! Regardless of who is elected, if the current party’s do not stop representing themselves and start representing the people our beloved country is in dire straights.
I personally salute Senator McCain for his willingness to put me and my country’s best interests first above his desire for a much coveted bid for the Whitehouse. Repeatedly he shows the signs of a real leader with loyalty and integrity to a degree that is far too rare (and sought after far too little). Although I have in the past had my doubts, I am blessed with the opportunity to take a second look at this Patriot Proud to be born in a great nation built on love, devotion and sacrifice!
Tags: Barack Obama, debate, economic stabilization, Election 2008, John McCain To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
McCain and Obama On Priorities
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