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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Obama worked as an ACORN community organizer and was a trainer for Project Vote. Obama provided legal representation for ACORN and for Tony Rezko. ACORN Results - Voter Fraud! Voter Fraud!! The home-parity concept of the radical left was mobilized by ACORN resulting in a purchase of a property without any credit, income, employment, and zero down payment. Result - the investment & mortgage crisis! Franklin Raines, former chair and CEO of Fannie Mae, was an advisor to Obama. Obama was the Senate’s second largest recipient of campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. American taxpayers have already paid and suffered as a result of poor judgement and involvement of Barack Obama. Article by James H. Walsh, a former federal prosecuter: "I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work." — Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, Nov. 2007 . . . [H]ow many voters know that Obama, during his four-year tenure in Chicago as a community organizer, worked as a trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform . . . the infamous ACORN, whose affiliate, Project Vote, is known for voter fraud — the same ACORN from which a mighty mortgage mess has grown. . . . after Harvard Law School, Obama provided legal representation for ACORN . . . Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, both of whom funneled millions of dollars to ACORN. . . .

ACORN, Project Vote, and Voter Fraud - Although ACORN has pled to various charges of voter fraud, it continues today enrolling large numbers of voters, some legitimate and others not so much. ACORN tee shirts are visible at Obama rallies. According to the Consumer Rights League, ACORN has been involved in voter fraud, directly or indirectly, in Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia. ACORN’s Project Vote, for which Obama was a paid employee in Chicago, is the organization that appears to be most active in voter fraud. ACORN and Project Vote have a rap sheet of voter misconduct and voter registration fraud that extends across the nation . . .:
Colorado - . . . hundreds of voter registration forms appeared suspect, . . . found a woman forging the forms, for which she received $50 a piece. . . two ACORN employees were given community service for submitting false voter forms.
Florida - . . . ACORN issuing fraudulent voter registration cards, a former ACORN field director charged that ACORN submitted “thousands of invalid registration cards”.
Minnesota - . . . ACORN canvassers were selling voter registration cards for $1 a piece. . . .
Missouri - St. Louis . . . 1,492 of fraudulent voter address changes have been turned in by ACORN. Kansas City . . . had similar voter fraud attempts. Eight ACORN employees plead guilty to federal election fraud . . .
Ohio - . . . during the Ohio Democratic primary, the Obama presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to a subsidiary of ACORN, Citizens Services Inc. (CSI). . . . in 2004, a federal grand jury indicted four ACORN employees for submitting 19 fraudulent voter registration forms all with similar handwriting and false addresses. . . . Aug 28, 2008, . . . Cleveland . . . investigating 75,000 voter registration forms --many found to be fraudulent and submitted by ACORN.
Pennsylvania - In March 2008, ACORN was accused by Philadelphia Election officials of filing fraudulent voter registration forms prior to the Democratic primary.
Washington State - ACORN was fined $25,000 by the state of Washington in 2007 for voter fraud committed by Project Vote. Five ACORN workers pled guilty to filing phony voter registration forms.
Wisconsin - . . . 39 ACORN voter registration workers were referred to the DA for possible voter fraud.

Obama, ACORN, and Mortgage Meltdown - In 1977, a Democrat Congress passed and President Jimmy Carter signed The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), and the ACORN Housing Corporation (AHC) was instrumental in its passage. The U.S. Congress through the CRA compelled banks and lending institutions to make loans to “communities of color” disregarding sound economic and risk guidelines. CRA encouraged the relaxing of “outdated” risk-management protocols and underwriting obligations by lending institutions. In the name of ending discrimination, no longer were “communities of color” required to provide verification of income, employment, credit history, ability to pay homeowner bills, or down payment. In response, many banks and mortgage groups bundled trillions of dollars of “subprime” loans and sold them to investors here and abroad. It is these bundled Community Reinvestment Act mortgages, doomed to fail, that are today causing financial strain in U.S. and global financial markets.

In short, a Democrat Congress and President demanded that banks change the rules of good banking and open the Pandora’s Box of mortgage defaults and foreclosures now coming to a head. This home-parity concept of the radical left was mobilized by ACORN. . . . resulting in a purchase of a property without any credit, income, employment, and zero down payment. . . .

In . . . 2003, Fannie Mae home-parity funding in Chicago reached $600 billion. When Franklin Raines, former chair and CEO of Fannie Mae, stepped down in 2004 but managed to take with him a multimillion-dollar parachute and a monthly pension of $114, 393 for life, and should he die, for his wife’s lifetime. Until recently, Raines was an advisor to Obama, who was the Senate’s second largest recipient of campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. . . . [Full article] The U.S. cannot "afford" anymore of Obama. See also: [Carter More to Blame for Financial Crisis Than Bush or McCain ] & [Congress Lies Low To Avoid Bailout Blame]
Tags: ACORN, Barack Obama, Election 2008, Fannie mae, Freddie Mac, mortgage default, the economy, voter fraud To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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