I posted previously, Is Biden on the way out? i can now now identify the source as Steve Maloney who was subsequently cites as the source by Pittsburgh columnist Jack Kelly. Kelly cited Maloney as one of the sources on the movement to dump Joe Biden and replace him with Hillary Clinton. Maloney stands by the story, although he believes it is becoming more difficult for Obama to act as the story gains greater publicity.
Ten Reasons Obama Dumps Biden [Humor Helps!]
In Barack Hussein Obama's Own Words . . .
1. Barack: "Joe, when Sarah Palin said you were a "Beltway Insider and a pompous windbag,' the correct response was NOT 'Hey, will you look at the legs on that gal.'"
2. Barack: "Joe, I forgave your remark about my being 'clean' but did you then have to go and sniff me?"
3. Barack: "Joe, when I said 'presidents don't look like me,' you weren't supposed to shout out, 'No, they look like ME!'"
4. Barack: "Joe, when you reported you drew a crowd of 49 adoring voters, you WEREN'T supposed to include the Secret Service detail."
5. Barack: "Joe your 'lipstick on a pig' line about Palin was NOT WELL RECEIVED."
6. Barack: "Joe in the whole vetting process you claim you 'forgot to mention" that Delaware's number of electoral votes is a grand total of THREE?"
7. Barack: "Joe, a gaffe now then is okay, but why did you introduce me as 'our country's first Arab-American President?"
8. Barack: "Joe, I don't think the best way to get on Michelle's good side is with a stream of 'Yo Mama' jokes.
9. Barack, "Joe, I admit it: when you said you got 9,000 votes in the primaries I misheard it as 9 MILLION votes."
10. Barack: "Joe, why did you tell an African-American audience that 'Even though Barack is more than 90% Caucasian and Arab, I can assure you his heart is Black?'
Tags: ABC News, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, political humor, Politics, Steve Maloney, Top 10 Reasons To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Ten Reasons Obama Dumps Biden
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