The below editorial (less supporting links) by a fellow Arkansan is commended to you. Please visit the original article for supporting links, source references and to leave comments. Editorial by Kenny J. Wallis, Keep Arkansas Legal: The 2008 election will be a time when we choose people to run the US. Everyone from President to Alderman will have their duties to the people who elect them. Groups such as LULAC, La Raza and The Chamber of Commerce will make an effort to fool voters into electing pro-illegal immigration candidates. These groups along with some in the media have portrayed an image that some industries would cease to exist without millions of uneducated fraudulently documented criminals who could be thieves, rapist, murderers or even terrorist.
The idea that America needs an exploitation system to be successful has been argued before. Many of our Founding Fathers wanted to end slavery when they created this country, but delegates from the South argued that ending slavery would destroy the economy. Early in the 19th century, as the Abolitionist Movement gained strength, pro-slavery politicians used the term "peculiar institution" to describe slavery. They also created The Slave Power a pro-slavery lobby group. The effort to maintain slavery was so successful, that it took the deaths of thousands of Americans in The Civil War to end it.
Then there was practice of Child Labor, which was very popular among mining, agricultural, and oddly enough the newspaper industry. The infamous Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used underpaid homeless boys called “newsies” to sell papers. The media moguls were forced to reform their exploitation system after the Newsboys Strike of 1899. Perhaps this is the reason why the New York Times and other newspapers cheerlead for another exploitation system, illegal immigration. Federal regulation of child labor was achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.
In 1954, [under] Dwight Eisenhower . . . Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1000 apprehensions of illegal aliens a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Around 488,000 people fled the country for fear of being apprehended. Operation Wetback deported around 80,000 Mexican nationals in the space of almost a year, local INS officials estimated that an additional 500,000-700,000 had fled to Mexico before the campaign began.
Despite the ending of slavery, child labor, and a massive reduction in illegal immigration, America was able to become the greatest agricultural and industrial nation in the world. Today companies like Tyson Foods, Cargill, and Swiftco, are trying to create for themselves an exploitation system that destroys the middle class and creates a culture of corruption similar to that of the Third World. For Arkansas, they fund groups like The AR Farm Bureau. Stanley Reed, President of the AR Farm Bureau recently stated, “If legislation fails to take into account the unique needs of agriculture – which includes our increased dependence on immigrant labor, our vulnerability to competitively priced, foreign-grown produce and our inability to pass along cost increases – we will all watch as Congress literally takes billions of dollars out of the pockets of farmers and sends it to our competitors overseas”. Tyson Foods, one of the companies that is “dependent on immigrant labor”, paid their CEO Richard Bond $1.14 million in salary according to yahoo finance.
Illegal aliens are 4.4% of the U.S. workforce, according to the Dept. of Labor. Legal workers are doing over 95% of the jobs illegals aren’t doing. Illegals are not the “backbone” of the U.S. economy yet, but many want them to be. Fortunately, we have leaders who want to stop illegal immigration like Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazelton, PA. Despite his law that required proof of citizenship to get an apartment being overturned in the Supreme Court, Barletta managed to force out several illegal aliens from Hazelton. Oklahoma recently passed an immigration reform bill that is forcing thousands of illegals to leave despite repeated lawsuits. Georgia has passed similar legislation. In Maricopa County Arizona, Sherrif Joe Arpaio is enforcing the laws that many Federal officials refuse to enforce. This election, we need to help the Eisenhowers, Barlettas and Arpaios who will actually fix the illegal immigration problem.
Tags: Dwight Eisenhower, illegal immigration, Joe Arpaio, Keep Arkansas Legal, Kenny Wallis, Lou Barletta To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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