Breaking News
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Info Post
Update to prior story: In-State Tuition to Illegal Aliens - Arkansas SB799 - It's Unconstitutional. Sen. Joyce Elliott sent the following words in an email to people who contacted her about her bill to allow instate tuition for illegal aliens (SB799):
"It has absolutely nothing to do with illegal aliens. Nothing. If undocumented students are prevented from paying their own way, not using your money or mine, our children and grandchildren will be burdened with a whole underclass of folks who will be a drag on the future of our children and grandchildren. These students have done nothing wrong. Nothing. They are graduates of Arkansas schools and just want an opportunity to go to college at their own expense without having to pay double and triple the tuition rate other Arkansas graduates pay."
In response to Elliot's comments, one recipient said,
"How ridiculous, and how galling of her to make such a fictitious statement. But I am afraid she will make many legislators believe it. There would be no need for her bill if these students weren't here illegally. Children of illegal aliens who are born here (called anchor babied) are citizens and have no problem at all getting into college as a resident. "Undocumented students" is just a euphemism for illegal aliens. Illegal aliens is the way federal law and state laws refers to them. And students of illegal aliens become illegal and deportable at age 18 1/2. How many students do you have in college that are not 18 1/2 years of age sometime during their first year of college. And if these students should become citizens as her bill proposes, they would be able to bring extended family here as well and on and on the cycle would go."
Elliot used another euphemism when she called her bill, supporting ILLEGAL Aliens, "The Dream Act." Now, Eddie Garcia, publisher/editor of Amigo News, an Arkansas Hispanic newspaper, has sent out an email asking people to "sign the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock petition (bring along all your friends too)! Our goal is 10,000 signatures to present to the Senate Education Committee, during the Special Order for this bill on Monday, March 23, 2009 . Help to reach the goal of our students in reaching for their DREAMS." By "our students," he means ILLEGAL Aliens. Does the Little Rock Diocese speak for all Arkansas Catholics in supporting in-state college tuition for ILLEGAL Aliens in violation of U.S. law? After these ILLEGAL Aliens graduate with an Arkansas University degree, will they want your son's or daughter's jobs? Of course they will! They may even wish to run for elected office. After all, we first gave them an elementary education, then a secondary education and now they expect a college education. What do you think they are going to do with that education, serve you at a local restaurant? No, with their American college education, they will expect full access to all rights, benefits, and jobs (the good ones of course). What happened to the "rule of law" in Arkansas?

If you are concerned, then call your Arkansas State Senator in Little Rock and shout "No Way to giving ILLEGAL Aliens access to instate tuition." If you don't, then don't complain later when your child, grandchild or a family member looses their job to a fellow University (pick a college name) graduate who was an ILLEGAL alien while attending college.

Tags: Arkansas, Arkansas Watch, Catholic, church, ICE, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, Joyce Elliot, Little Rock, SB799, tuition, US Constitution To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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