Breaking News
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News: Even with the short notice for an Arkansas Tea Party, people from various groups said let's do it, Arkansas 1st Tea party was a success. Over 200 people rallied to protest government bail-outs, increased federal spending, government waste, the slide toward Solcialism. On protested reported to us, "A man took a bull horn and shouted as he held up some booklets. He said he was holding a copy of the Constitution and a copy of the Declaration of Independence. 'One of them is being shredded up and thrown away, but the other one is about to get dusted off and used again!' There was loud cheering after that! Another man took the bull horn and shouted, 'For everyone standing here, there are many more in this state who agree with us!!! We are not alone!!!' Cheers again, and he is right."

The Tea Party was outside the Peabody Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas. Inside Vice President Joe Biden who had flown in on Air Force 2 (wonder who piad for the cost of the flight) was doing a fund raiser for Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln. Sen. Mark Pryor, Rep. Vick Snyder and Gov. Beebe were also in attendance trying to be seen and heard by the Democrat faithful. Contemplate why would Sen. Lincoln be currying favor two years before the next election when she already has a very large campaign war chest and her personal wealth makes her one of the wealthiest members of Congress and far wealthier than both the majority of Arkansans and those from whom she was soliciting campaign money. So much for Lincoln representing the common people of Arkansas.

While some groups may try to claim responsible for the Tea Party, this truly was a mixture of concerned citizens from varied groups including numerous conservative activist groups including members of the republican party. The Kellers, with 10 family members, drove 3 hours one way to attended the Tea Party! Their commitment of six hours of traveling demonstrated that people are very concerned with the direction our county is headed. They along with the other people at the rally were spearhead for future Tea Parties that will occur in Arkansas.

Also, on Saturday night some counties held their Republican Lincoln Day dinners which meant that these county republicans, RPA staff members, special guest speakers and others could not attend. From conversations yesterday and today, people are very proud of the Tea Party protesters and are looking forward to their turn to support them. Panning for April in many areas is in the works. Already young members of the Baxter County Republican Party have reserved the Veterans Memorial Square in downtown Mountain Home for an April 15th Tea Party.

I spotted several of my online Web 2.0 Internet friends and Larry Brinkley, Chairman of Cleburne Co. Republican Committee (in an orange jacket) in the KARK/Channel 4 video report of Saturday's event:
No more bailout! No more bailout!" crowds chanted from outside the Peabody where the Lincoln/Biden events were held. Members had no qualms about voicing their opinion... saying the government is putting too much money in all of the wrong places.

They also say Sen. Blanche Lincoln does not listen to the people of Arkansas. "Enough is enough.. I mean there's many things, her voting record is ridiculous and so she is not representing the people and that's why we're here today," Jeannie Burlsworth said, who's chair of Secure Arkansas.
David Kinkade commented on the rally on The Arkansas Project. Pictures in this post were provided by readers of the ARRA News Service who attended the Tea Party. Update 3/16: Kenneth Wallis of Keep Arkansas Legal has Arkansas Tea Party video footage on the Little rock Immigration Examiner Note: the footage was restricted because security kept Kenny from video right in front to the Peabody Hotel. I guess "free new media" types were not welcome too close to the event.

Tags: Arkansas, Little Rock, Peabody Hotel, photos, protest, Rally, tax protest, tea party To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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