Michael Steele, Chairman, Republican National Committee: President Obama recently compared the stock market plunge to the fluctuations in political polls - ignoring the fact that real people are losing real money when the market slides. And Senator Chuck Schumer said on the Senate Floor that the American people don't care about the "pork barrel" projects in the "stimulus" bill.
President Obama and Liberal Democrats in Congress don't seem to grasp the fact that since the Democrats took total control in Washington, the stock market has lost over 20% of its value. And over 50 million middle class Americans have lost a huge amount of their life savings.
The Democrats' wrongheaded economic policies and their apparent lack of understanding for the pain hard working Americans are feeling is being handled with kid gloves by the liberal mainstream media. They refuse to hold President Obama and company accountable for their actions and words.
President Obama pledged to cut taxes -- not raise them -- cut them. It sure sounded good during the campaign. But the President's budget actually raises taxes by $1.4 TRILLION over the next 10 years. His proposed cap and trade emissions tax plan alone imposes $646 billion in new energy taxes that will be paid by every American household as the companies pass the cost onto consumers.
There's also the President's claim that his budgets will cut the deficit in half by 2013. This can only be achieved through smoke and mirrors accounting and assuming that the new programs passed in the $787 billion "stimulus" bill won't be renewed. The fact is that the President's tax hikes and spending boondoggles will increase the national debt by $23.1 TRILLION over the next ten years.
The liberal talking heads who act as Democrat mouthpieces won't give you the facts about Democrats' budgets that grow the size and scope of government at all levels, increase spending to record levels, foster the redistribution of wealth, and destroy the savings of millions of Americans.
Tags: Michael Steele, RNC, RNC Chairman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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