Breaking News
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Info Post
H/T Wind Rose Hotel: Twitter “is growing really, really, really, really fast,” according to Nielsen. A new survey about the five fastest growing “member community destinations” in the U.S. reveals that Twitter is at the top: from February 2008 to February 2009, it clocked in at a whopping 1,382 percent growth rate …

Dr. Bill Smith (Ozark Guru), Editor, ARRA News Service, is in the top 3% of conservatives tracked and followed on Twitter. When asked if he would ever be in the top 1%, he said probably not because the top tracked people have over 40,000 followers. Also, to protect those followers of Smith twitter feed, he has limited (blocked) twitter followers who oppose the traditional values promoted by the ARRA News Service. Currently, he has 3,547 followers, has posted 2,839 updates to his twitter, and follows 3,743 other twitters. Anyone interested in any of the following topics [fiscal conservative, social conservative, National defense conservative, Limited Government, free markets, Conservative, Republican, individual freedoms, Bill of Rights, Constitution, FairTax, state sovereignty, traditional values, Christian, pro-life, Rebuilding the Party, politics] be sure to follow his Twitter: @arra. Other readers follow: Fair Tax Nation @fairtaxnation and Sovereignty Alliance @sovereignallies

Tags: @ARRA, Dr. Bill Smith, Bill Smith, conservative twitters, twitter To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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