Breaking News
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Info Post
K. Ryan James: While saying “Yes, we can” to the Teamsters, President Barack Obama ended up screwing American farmers: "The Obama administration, under pressure from the protectionist wing of the Democratic Party, reneged on a key NAFTA component regarding international trucking. In response, Mexico has slapped tariffs on American exports, and ag producers are steamed."

Bloomberg reports that 40 states will be affected: "The tariffs, on about 90 items from 40 states, were imposed by Economy Minister Gerardo Ruiz Mateos yesterday after the U.S. suspended a program to allow Mexican 18-wheelers to deliver goods across the border. U.S. Republican lawmakers said Mexico, which didn’t provide details, would impose tariffs on farm goods such as rice, beef, wheat and beans."

I highlight rice because, accoriding to the USDA, we’ve sent them around 439,000 metric tons of the stuff for the growing season through March 5, and Arkansas is the nation’s leader in rice production.

I’m thinking Sen. Blanche Lincoln, the Production, Income Protection and Price Support Subcommittee Chairwoman and “Champion of Arkansas Agriculture” that she is, might have a bone to pick with President Obama. Anyone making book on whether she will challenge him, or the Teamsters, in order to have these tariffs removed? [Source]

ARRA Editor: Also, what about Rep. Marion Berry (D-AR Dist 1)? Berry supported Obama while Arkansas voters did not. Appears that Berry is now a muted voice who is NOT able to help protect Arkansas Delta Rice Farmers?

Tags: Arkansas, Barack Obama, Blanche Lincoln, Marion Berry, Mexico, NAFTA, Rice Farmers To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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