Breaking News
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Info Post
Update 5:30 pm: The Senate confirmed Porn lawyer, David Ogden, as Deputy Attorney General by a 65-28 vote. The Senate also confirmed Euthanasia lawyer, Thomas Perrelli as Associate Attorney General by a 72-20 vote. Again as mentioned below: If you have not been taking a stand on family values, then welcome to the dark side of not being involved in supporting family values.
The Senate resumes consideration of David Ogden to be Deputy Attorney General and at 2 pm, senators will vote on the nomination. Pro family groups are opposing Ogden's nomination. I guess we will learn today, if the U.S. Senate listens anymore to the majority of American voters. They already confirmed a tax-cheat for Secretary of the Treasury. Now they may confirm a supporter of child pornography. As you may recall, Ogden, whose Senate vote was delayed after thousands of calls and emails, represented purveyors of hard-core pornography in court, including those who did not want to take the trouble to verify that their "actors" weren't underage. David Ogden opposes restrictions on abortion and pornography and filed a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in support of child pornographer Stephen Knox, who possessed sexually explicit videos of children. Ogden argued that, because the children's genitalia were partially covered by clothing, such exploitation is protected by the First Amendment.

The Senate will have a limited 90 minute debate and vote on the nomination of Thomas Perrelli to be Associate Attorney General. It's pay back time for financially supporting President Obama. We all understand this concept but it is obvious Obama is does not wish to even take an impartial a pro-family, pro-life position. He is going to extremes to present a team that has an opposing stand on family values. Thomas Perrilli , who raised over $500,000 for Obama and helped Obama put together his Justice Department team is now about to be rewarded. Perrilli is the attorney who won an award for representing Terri Schiavo's husband Michael in his successful efforts to kill his disabled wife. If you or a loved one is sick, ill or infirmed be very concerned. If you represent, an opposing pro-life view be very concerned. In Rome, the Senators were in disarray and Nero fiddled as Rome burned. If you have not been taking a stand on family values and the above are confirmed, then welcome to the dark side of not being involved in supporting family values.

At the beginning of this week, a number of reports appeared warning that Democrats’ problems in getting their members in line to pass the omnibus bill "could" mean trouble for President Obama’s budget and legislative agenda down the line. The budget is not yet on the floor of either house, and reports today are filled with quotes from squeamish Democrats about the budget and card check. But the real questions is how squeamish are they? Can they even take a stand? After all, most of them have their Pork already. Now, will the oppose "the one" who did not veto the bill and thus allowed them to have the pork.

On Monday, the Los Angeles Times noted, “President Obama is facing misgivings about his policy agenda from inside his own party, with prominent Democrats objecting to parts of his taxation and spending plans and questioning the White House push to do so much so fast.” On Tuesday, both The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal had major stories declaring, “Fight on Bill Augurs Woes for Democrats,” as the WSJ put it.

Today, Roll Call features a front page story pointing out that Obama is scrambling to find Democrat allies on his budget. Ben Nelson doesn’t appear to be one of them yet. According to Roll Call, “Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) said Tuesday that he did not intend to vote for any tax increases, such as Obama’s proposal to reduce tax breaks for the rich who give to charities. Nor does he plan to support a cap-and-trade carbon emission plan if it would lead to higher utility bills every time a consumer turns on a light switch.” The story also notes, “As he has previously, [Democrat Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent] Conrad noted that Obama does not now have the votes to pass his budget.”

On the spending front, Politico reported last week that “moderate and conservative Democrats in the Senate are starting to choke over the massive spending and tax increases in President Barack Obama’s budget plans.” Today, Democrats are balking at the idea of a second stimulus, a possibility that had been floated recently by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Politico reports, “[R]eaction on Capitol Hill has been almost uniformly negative — and much of the blowback is coming from Democrats. ‘If there’s appetite, there’s not in my office,” said Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE). ‘Enough for now. No mas. No mas.’”

Meanwhile, the union back card check bill may be experiencing some friction. Politico reports today that centrist Democrats are fleeing as fast as they can from taking a position on the union-backed card check bill. Politico writes, “Caught between Big Business and Big Labor in the midst of a deepening recession, moderate Democrats are washing their cars, polishing their silver, rearranging the pictures on their desks — anything they can do to buy some time while hoping that EFCA somehow goes away.”

With so many Democrats having so many problems with the Obama budget and with card check, one can only hope for a negative reaction to his proposals down the road for a carbon cap-and-trade plan, a massive expansion of government involvement in health care, and a raft of huge tax increases.

Tags: Budget, Card Check, David Ogden, federal spending, nominations, Thomas Perrelli, US Congress, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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