Searcy KFXV - 105.7 FM.
In addition to addressing information about his local area radio stations, Gray shared the following thoughts on conservatism in Arkansas Ozarks:
When I was a little boy my Grandmother would watch the news every time it came on TV and she would complain about the Democrats. Luckily there was no 24 hour news cycle back then! She explained to me at the age of 3 or 4 that there's no such thing as just a Democrat – she would say 'Son they're all Sorry Democrats'. I'd like to share just a few thoughts about current events and then I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.------------
We conservatives are down but we're certainly not out. We spent the entire last election pandering to the Democrats, giving in to them and their ideas, instead of promoting our own. This left us with a socialist for a President, and a bunch of libs in the Congress. Luckily, we have people like Rush, Sean, Beck, Laura, and Rusty to rally conservatives and help get our movement back on track. Right now is an excellent opportunity for conservatives to point out the fallacies of the Democrats' plan and to offer workable alternatives. If our nation is to thrive, then we must make 2010 another 1994. This is done at the grassroots level with organizations like your own and radio stations like Mountain Talk 97.
Does anyone know the day the stock market took a definitive turn down and never looked back? It was May 20th of last year. Do you know the significance of that date? That's the day that Obama declared victory after winning the Oregon primary, making it clear that he would become the Democratic nominee. That's the day it started and today we're all worth about half of what we were then. Has anyone noticed that every time Obama talks the market drops? I like how FOX has started throwing up the DOW WATCH column anytime he is speaking. Even the libs on Wall Street who like the guy have no confidence in Obama's policies.
Rush recently took some heat by the media for saying that he wanted Obama's policies to fail. Well, what are we supposed to do? Hope his brand of socialism actually succeeds? Socialism has never thrived, so why would it now? Let's take the Bama's policy of tax the rich. First of all, are there any rich left to tax after the Obama market crash? Depending on who you talk to, the government definition of rich is generally those making $250K or more. I would suspect that there are a lot of us who used to be in that bracket but no longer are. The top 25% of income earners already pay 86% of all taxes. The quote – unquote - rich are generally those who employ others. If you choke the employers what are they going to do? Hire fewer people, or lay off the ones they employ now. So the Bama plan is to increase taxes on those who employ others, thus reducing employment and increasing unemployment. And just to make things fair, he wants to give free money to those who pay no taxes at all. Makes perfect sense doesn't it? Oh yes, he wants to do all of this while killing babies and taking away your guns.
Despite what some of the original locals will tell you, North Central Arkansas remains a chiefly conservative area. In the last election, Baxter County voted 64% Republican, Stone County 66%, Marion County 63%, and Izard County 61%. The statewide average was 59% which is over 4 points better than in 2004. So we are in the majority. Obviously we looked at these numbers from 2004 when we decided to launch a conservative talk radio station here. Since our launch just two years ago, we have developed a tremendous audience all across North Central Arkansas. . . .
Remember, a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. . . . [A full copy of this speech may be obtained by contacting Mountain Talk 97]
Tags: 97.1 FM, Arkansas, conservatives, Mountain Home, Mountain Talk, Ozarks, Republicans, Scott Gray, talk radio, Texarkana97.1 FM, Arkansas, conservatives, Mountain Home, Mountain Talk, Ozarks, Republicans, Scott Gray, talk radio, Texarkana
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