13 Yeas for Violating the Constitution and granting Illegal Aliens In-State Tuition:
Bryles G. Jeffress J. Jeffress | Luker P. Malone Steele | Capps H. Wilkins Laverty | Madison Salmon Wilkinson Elliott |
Altes Bookout Faris Horn Miller | Teague B. Johnson Broadway G. Baker J. Key | R. Thompson Trusty B. Pritchard D. Johnson Glover | J. Taylor T. Smith Whitaker Bledsoe D. Wyatt Hendren |
As for the other two bills they are still pending in the House committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs and may be heard and considered tomorrow but most likely on Wednesday.
Secure Arkansas: A busy day Monday, March 30th at the Arkansas State Capitol. We would like to see everybody there.
First, the agenda in the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, Room 151, shows two bills coming up at 10 a.m., that we are very concerned about -- HCR1022: the Constitutional Convention bill and HCR1011: the States Rights bill. For those who cannot come to the Capitol, here are the committee names. Please email and call them from now until the vote is over to urge them to vote FOR both of these two bills:
Rep Rick Saunders Rep Eddie Cheatham Rep Lindsley Smith Rep Steve Harrelson Rep Gene Shelby Rep Ed Garner Rep Clark Hall | Rep Donna Hutchinson Rep Larry Cowling Rep Dan Greenberg Rep Duncan Baird Rep Andrea Lea Rep Jonathan Dismang | Rep Butch Wilkins Rep Uvalde Lindsey Rep Linda Tyler Rep Karen Hopper Rep Davy Carter Rep Tiffany Rogers Rep Mary Slinkard |
We Need Votes For HCR1022 (Hobbs) TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS APPLICATION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES THAT IT CALL A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION TO BALANCE THE PUBLIC DEBT. Since there is no way to limit the actions of a Constitutional Convention, it would be very risky to hold one. There is no way to insure that a convention would obey and stick to one subject. After convened, it would be too late to stop it if we would not like its agenda. Whatever gain might be hoped for would not be worth the risk involved. Yes, it would be ideal if the Federal Government would balance the public debt, but it should not take an amendment to the Constitution to do it.
We Need Votes FOR HCR1011 (Hobbs) CLAIMING SOVEREIGNTY UNDER THE TENTH AMENDMENT. The 10th Amendment,which is part of the Bill of Rights, states that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectfully, or to the people." HCR1011 is a resolution that would enable Arkansas to reclaim its 10th Amendment right to reject any and all acts of Congress that go beyond its enumerated powers in violation of the 10th Amendment. We are telling the federal government that we are a sovereign state and want to be treated as such. We are not a branch of the federal government. It is inconceivable that a State Representative would not treasure States Rights. Voting against a simple bill that makes the statement that the people of Arkansas believe in, support and expect our States Rights to be honored, is the patriotic action we would expect of our elected officials.
On Monday at 1:30 p.m., SB799, tuition for illegal immigrants, will have a third-time reading in the Senate. If it passes the senate, it will go to the House. Call your State Senator & State Rep immediately and insist they vote NO on this bill: AR House of Representatives: 501-682-6211 AR Senate: 501-682-2902 Prior article: Illegal aliens bill (SB799) Is Being Rushed Through The Arkansas Senate
Tags: 10th Amendment, Arkansas, Constitutional Convention, illegal aliens, legislature, Secure Arkansas, State Sovereignty, tuition To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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