Update: Added comments by others at the end of this article. Others also have noticed the "silence" by BHO.
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Yesterday, we heard the shocking news that a Muslim convert "with political and religious motives" shot two uniformed soldiers outside a Little Rock, Arkansas military recruiting center. Private William Long, 23, died, and Private Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, was wounded and is currently in stable condition. According to Lt. Col. Thomas F. Artis of the Oklahoma City Recruiting Battalion, the two soldiers had completed basic training within the past two weeks and were not "regular" recruiters. In the military terminology, the Army had allowed these two young men to return home after basic training for a designated period of time before reporting to their next military dusty assignment if they would work with recruiters and assist them in recruiting and talking to potential recruits.
Little Rock police are commended for quickly located and arrested Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 23 who was previously known as Carlos Bledsoe before he converted to Islam. The scuttlebutt is that Abdulhakim relocated to Arkansas from Memphis, TN after converting to Islam and attending a terrorist training camp. He was reportedly already under investigation by the FBI joint terrorism task force after he traveled to Yemen and was arrested there for using a Somali passport. However the details of the probe are not yet known.
Tags: Arkansas, Barack Obama, Bill Smith, Commander-in-Chief, Eric Holder, injured troops, Islamic terrorist, Little Rock, military, Murder, Muslim, Robert Gates To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
When arraigned this morning, Muhammud / Bedsloe entered a not guilty plea. However, Lt. Terry Hastings, of the LRPD said that the accused said, "He saw them standing there and drove up and shot them. That's what he said." Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said, "Interviews with police show Muhammad 'probably had political and religious motives for the attack.'"
Of interest is the use of terminology describing this crime. The the news media are issuing the term "killed"and other plain wrapper terms with regard to the cold blooded murder of an American soldier and critical wounding of another. However, the news media used more inflammatory words like "murder " with respect to the recent shooting of late term abortionist Dr. Tiller.
Also, while the Obama administration under Attorney General Holder felt it was necessary to activate U.S. marshals to provide protection to various civilian individuals based on attack on Tiller, there has been no show of concern by the Obama administration over the attack on these young military servicemen on U.S. soil. Where are the compassionate public words of Commander-in-Chief President Obama or any of his key staff in regard to the death of one and wounding of another servicemen . This morning we reported on President Obama's announced nomination for the Secretary of the Army. However , the "Commander-in-chief" has not expressed concern for the fallen and injured servicemen in Little Rock. Again - there has been no condemnation of the killing of an American serviceman and the wounding of another in the heartland of America.
Also, there has been no expressed concern for the victims' families or for the recovery of the wounded soldier. Also, where is the expressed concern by the aforementioned Attorney General Holder or by the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. With Obama's planned meetings with Muslim Middle East leaders, Obama and his administration seems to be choosing to ignore this situation. The shooting of a military serviceman used to be a Federal crime? The Silence is deafening!
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families (4:12 pm): Muhammad had been under investigation by the U.S. Federal Task Force on Terrorism. How did he get his weapons and commit these crimes when he was under investigation? The sound you heard after this terrorist attack was silence. President Obama, who immediately condemned the murder of abortionist George Tiller on Sunday, still has not – 24 hours later – said one word about the cowardly attack on these soldiers. The U.S. Justice Department, which sent federal marshals yesterday to guard abortion clinics, has sent no one to guard our military recruitment offices, even though more than 100 of those offices have been attacked in recent years. As for the president, he is the commander-in-chief. He is responsible for the wellbeing of our men and women in uniform. His silence in the face of this brutal attack is shameful.
Michelle Malkin (12:47 pm - even before above post): Not a word about the jihadi attack on the two Army recruiters in Arkansas. No condemnation of the heinous attack and senseless violence. No condolences for the families of the targeted men or praise for the military recruiters who have been under increasing attack on U.S. soil. No statements from the DOJ or Pentagon, either. Nothing.
Pam Meister (June 3rd): As of this writing, there has been no public statement about the Little Rock shooting from either President Obama or his representatives in the White House. I realize he’s on his way to the Middle East and is just as busy as he can be, but somehow he managed to find time to pledge U.S. support in helping to do whatever is necessary to find out what happened to the Air France plane that recently disappeared over the Atlantic as if flew from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. His administration also found the time to encourage American embassies around the world to invite Iranian officials to their July Fourth festivities. . . . Keith Olbermann once odiously compared right wingers to Jihadists. Here’s a real-life Jihadist, gunning down those who volunteered to serve our nation in cold blood. What will Keith say about him?
Mark Taylor (June 3rd): Although these callous murders were clearly inspired at least in part by the very ideology with which we are at war, radical Islam, in a display of flabbergastingly bad judgment the Commander-in-Chief of these dead and wounded American soldiers, Barack Obama, has not spoken one word of either outrage or compassion for the event. Why do that and spoil all the fun he’ll have at his Cairo speech? . . . And as a state mourns the tragedy of Jihad in Central Arkansas, the root cause of the murderous act is ignored: a radical, hate-filled belief system that is creeping its way into our prisons and into the country’s mosques and communities. Yes, the unthinkable, Jihad, has come to Central Arkansas. When will it come to your town?
Kenneth Wallis (June 3rd): A terrorist attack from Islamofacism that had not occurred since 9/11 under the Bush Administration has occurred under Obama. Despite this terrorist attack, no statement has been made from the leader of the United States of America, nor the Head of the Department that is supposed to prevent these attacks, nor Little Rock's United States Representative Vic Snyder.
The Silence is deafening! Where is Commander-in-Chief Obama?
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