H/T Andrew Monaghan at Panzramic for the following: Close to 1,000 people showed up for Arlen Specter and Kathleen Sebelius' Obamacare Town Hall. ACORN and SEIU had their drones there. ACORN continues to embarrass itself by exploiting amputees and handicapped people to further their cause. It was actually very sad to see because you felt bad for them because of their misfortune and you also felt bad for them because they were totally unaware that they were merely props for ACORN to exploit.
Sebilius and Specter offered no answers. How can you sell a product when you don't even know what it is? Sebelius defended herself by saying that she wasn't a "member of congress". Last I checked she was head of Health and Human Services, she might want to bone up on the legislation.
We learned nothing new from these two people, aside from Arlen Specter coming out in support of a single payer insurance program funded by taxpayers. Mr. Specter is increasingly desperate. Pat Toomey has pulled even with him in the polls, and Mr. Specter is trying to gain the support of the far left by supporting single payer health care. He also had a Biden-esque gaffe when he expressed support for passing this as quickly as possible. The crowd exploded. Videos follow:
Tags: Arlen Specter, government healthcare, Kathleen Sebelius, Philadelphia, Townhall, videos To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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